[ES_JOBS_NET] Vacancy - US EPA - Environmental Engineer
Heather Simon
heatherkeefe at gmail.com
Tue Aug 20 17:09:47 MDT 2024
Please see the following vacancy announcement for positions at the US EPA,
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Air Quality Assessment
Division located in Research Triangle Park, NC: USAJOBS - Job Announcement
*Environmental Engineer*
*Series and Grade Announced:*
*Promotional Potential:*
*Location of Position:*
*Durham, NC *
*Position Type:*
*Opening Date:*
*Closing Date:*
*Number of Vacancies:*
*Position Risk Designation:*
*Moderate Risk*
*Air Quality Assessment Division functional statement:*
The Air Quality Assessment Division (AQAD) drives sound air quality
management policy, decision making and accountability assessment through
the strategic application of technical and analytical leadership promoted
through open collaboration with other OAQPS divisions, other OAR offices,
ORD, other Federal agencies, State and local agencies, Tribes, and outside
groups. The AQAD leads by promoting multi-pollutant approaches to air
quality management through comprehensive integrated evaluations of multiple
sectors, spatial scales, and pollutants, meteorology, climate, and the
implications of interactions among them; and by advancing the state of the
art in emissions, modeling, ambient and source measurements, and data
analysis techniques. Division areas of emphasis include:
- Continually improving the assessment of emissions, ambient data, and
air quality modeling to enhance the design, implementation and evaluation
of air quality management programs and related control strategies;
- Producing timely and meaningful assessments of pollutant trends and
impacts, providing the public with clear and transparent information that
can be effectively used to help them better understand the air quality in
their area, how it can affect their health, and how changes in their
activities can reduce emissions and improve air quality;
- Establishing and promoting a framework for accountability by
developing and applying methods and definitive data bases for evaluating
air quality management programs to determine progress, need for mid-course
corrections and achievement of environmental goals, including attainment of
national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) and other air quality
- Creating value-added predictive tools and analyses, improving both the
quality of analytical results and the timeliness of critically-needed
information for regulatory and policy decision making;
- Improving the credibility and transparency of our technical
assessments by infusing and demonstrating quality throughout our analytical
systems, methods and data; and
- Strengthening the basis for air rules and policies across OAR by
leading technical collaboration across OAQPS, OAR, EPA, and other Federal
agencies (e.g., NOAA, NASA and CDC) and promoting multi-pollutant,
multi-media solutions to environmental issues.
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