[ES_JOBS_NET] NIST Researcher for Improved Radiation Modeling in the Fire Dynamics Simulator

Carolyn Wilson cwilson at sura.org
Tue May 30 12:37:49 MDT 2023

Hi all,
Please review the following job advertisement for a senior researcher to work in the GWU-PREP cooperative agreement at NIST in Gaithersburg, MD. If interested in the position, please send your C/V or resume to me at cwilson at sura.org<mailto:cwilson at sura.org>.

This position is part of the National Institute of Standards (NIST) Professional Research Experience (PREP) program. NIST recognizes that its research staff may wish to collaborate with researchers at academic institutions on specific projects of mutual interest, thus requires that such institutions must be the recipient of a PREP award. The PREP program requires staff from a wide range of backgrounds to work on scientific research in many areas. Employees in this position will perform technical work that underpins the scientific research of the collaboration.

Divi 733.03 Improved Radiation Modeling in the Fire Dynamics Simulator

The work will entail using a photon Monte-Carlo (PMC) line-by-line (LBL) radiation solver (the state of the art in high-resolution radiation modeling) to assess the accuracy of the FDS radiation solver for spectral band absorption and emission by carbon dioxide, water vapor, gaseous fuel vapor, and soot.  Detailed chemistry and state of the art soot formation models will be implemented in FDS. Improvements to the effective absorption coefficient for the gray or wide-band models will be developed.  Improvements to the radiation transport equation (RTE) to address the issues of angular resolution and time resolution will be made.  The effects of turbulence-radiation-interaction (TRI) will be assessed and improvements to the FDS solver to allow predictive radiative emissions to fuel surfaces and distant targets will be developed.  This work will also entail development of high-performance computing capabilities in FDS, utilizing large-scale, leadership class supercomputers and GPU acceleration.

Key responsibilities will include but are not limited to:

  *   Developing radiation benchmark tests,

•  GPU acceleration of the radiation solver,

  *   Implementation of complex chemistry,
  *   Implementation of soot formation and oxidation submodels,
  *   GPU acceleration of chemistry submodels,

•  FDS user support,

•  Publication of results,

•  Maintenance of relevant FDS project codes and documentation.


•  PhD in mechanical engineering.

•  10 years of relevant experience.

•  Strong background in turbulent reacting flow simulations, including a detailed understanding of:

o   chemical kinetics

o   turbulence-chemistry interactions

o   turbulence-radiation interactions

o   thermal radiation solvers (discrete ordinance method, photon-Monte Carlo line-by-line)

o   low-Mach, variable density flows

•  Strong background in computer-science and programming, including a detailed understanding of:

o   distributed memory parallel computing (MPI)

o   shared memory parallel computing (OpenMP)

o   GPU computing (e.g., OpenACC, CUDA, etc.)

•  Familiarity with common scripting languages (Bash, Python, Matlab)

•  Familiarity with LaTeX.

•  Strong oral and written communication skills.
Job Overview

•      Full-time senior researcher

•      Intended start date at the beginning of October 2023

Please send the following with your application to Carolyn Wilson (cwilson at sura.org<mailto:cwilson at sura.org>):

•  CV/Resume

Carolyn Wilson
Special Projects Manager
Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA)
1201 New York Ave NW, Suite 430
Washington. DC 20005
Office: 202-408-8210 Cell: 817-909-0235
Email: cwilson at sura.org

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