[ES_JOBS_NET] UC Davis air quality measurement postdoc
Nicole Hyslop
nmhyslop at ucdavis.edu
Thu May 4 10:18:10 MDT 2023
Please post the following job announcement.
We are seeking two POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHERS to join our team!
The postdoctoral researchers will participate in projects supporting the IMPROVE and CSN particulate monitoring programs. The projects focus on instrument inter-comparisons of optical and elemental measurements by ICPMS and XRF measurements and developing reference materials for elemental analyses.
We are looking for candidates interested in improving the quality of routine measurements.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Email Nicole P. Hyslop, Ph.D. at nmhyslop at ucdavis.edu
The Air Quality Research Center, University of California, Davis is recruiting two talented postdoctoral researchers to support research activities on the measurement of elements and carbon in particulate matter samples. In particular, we are looking for two experts with strong scientific background, good communication skills, solid data analysis and graphing skills, and experience in at least one of the following areas:
1. Laboratory and/or field studies of atmospheric chemistry.
2. Aerosol formation including wet chemistry skills necessary to research compounds to generate reference materials for particulate matter measurements.
3. Operation and data interpretation of aerosol instrumentation, particularly x-ray fluorescence, inductively coupled mass spectrometry, and/or thermal optical OCEC analyzers.
4. Complex data analysis of large datasets for spatiotemporal trends.
Candidates should have completed a doctoral degree in Chemistry, Engineering, or a related field at the time of hire. Candidates with strong multidisciplinary skills covering more than one of the areas listed above are particularly encouraged to apply.
Extremely well-qualified candidates with slightly different qualifications and/or research focus might be also considered under special circumstances.
Other *essential *qualifications include scientific publications; excellent English-language writing skills; ability to meet deadlines, work well with minimal direction and with a team, and produce high-quality research outputs; good time management and recordkeeping.
*Desirable *qualifications include solid presentation skills.
The selected candidates will join a growing team working on the National Park Service Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments
(IMPROVE) and Environmental Protection Agency Chemical Speciation Network
(CSN) programs at the University of California, Davis. They will work with Krystyna Trzepla, Xiaolu Zhang, Jason Giacomo, Warren White, and Nicole Hyslop along with other researchers in the program. Other duties commensurate with the researcher?s qualifications will be assigned. There is also expected to be some scope for the researchers to conduct independent work, including advanced analyses of other data and preparation of papers for publication in scholarly journals.
The UC Davis Air Quality Research Center (AQRC) is a growing interdisciplinary Organized Research Unit (ORU). Its mission is to facilitate research on the scientific, engineering, health, social, and economic aspects of gaseous and particulate atmospheric pollutants. AQRC analyzes particulate matter samples for the United States National Park Service
(NPS) Interagency Monitoring for Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Chemical Speciation Network (CSN).
IMPROVE was established in 1985 to monitor visibility in the National Parks and Wilderness Areas, and AQRC operates over 150 air pollution sampling sites for IMPROVE, as well as analyzes samples, processes the analysis data, and delivers data to the NPS and EPA. CSN collects samples in an urban monitoring network with over 140 sites. For CSN, AQRC analyzes samples, processes the analysis data, and delivers data to the EPA.
Screening of applications will begin immediately, and recruitment will continue until the positions are filled. Interviews with applicants will be scheduled via phone or videoconference. We offer a competitive salary and generous benefits, including health insurance, retirement plan, vacation and sick leave, and support to a successful career in scientific research.
The successful candidates will be encouraged to submit the output of their work to scientific conferences and professional meetings. Pending acceptance of the work, and funding availability, they will receive support for the attendance of these meetings.
*The University of California, Davis is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, and applications from women and under-represented minorities are encouraged.*
Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, copy of one selected publication and names/contact information of three references in a single PDF file to: nmhyslop at ucdavis.edu. <nmhyslop at ucdavis.edu> Please format the file name as {lastname_initials}_AQRC_postdoc2021.pdf and include ?Postdoc Search? in the subject line of the e-mail.
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From: Es_jobs_net <es_jobs_net-bounces at mailman.ucar.edu> On Behalf Of es_jobs_net-request at mailman.ucar.edu
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2023 4:47 AM
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Subject: Es_jobs_net Digest, Vol 1511, Issue 1
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Today's Topics:
1. 14 positions for full-time research and technology
fellowships at OGS (Italy) (Salon, Stefano)
2. Postdoctoral Opportunity in ICTP, Trieste Italy - high
resolution regional climate modelling, coupled regional earth
system modelling, hydroclimate modelling, machine learning
algorithms for hazard detection and attribution (Erika Coppola)
3. Geohazard/Environmental Scientist- CA Geological Survey
(Oakley, Nina at DOC)
4. Meteorology Applications Programmer Position at Center for
Western Weather and Water Extremes, Scripps Institution of
Oceanography (Brian Kawzenuk)
5. Postdoctoral fellow for Global to Regional Origins of Water
Stress (GROWS) at University of Wyoming (Daniel McCoy)
6. CU/CIRES Open Positions at the NOAA Chemical Sciences
Laboratory - Boulder, CO (Megan Melamed - NOAA Federal)
7. Re: 14 positions for full-time research and technology
fellowships at OGS (Italy) (Carsten Meyer-Jacob)
8. Re: Postdoctoral Opportunity in ICTP, Trieste Italy - high
resolution regional climate modelling, coupled regional earth
system modelling, hydroclimate modelling, machine learning
algorithms for hazard detection and attribution (Carsten Meyer-Jacob)
9. Job opportunities in the UAE (Rajesh Kumar)
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 15:23:08 +0200
From: "Salon, Stefano" <ssalon at ogs.it>
To: es_jobs_net at mailman.ucar.edu
Subject: [ES_JOBS_NET] 14 positions for full-time research and
technology fellowships at OGS (Italy)
<CAGX8yyjqqV4BkXyh22Wo010FRGhbHnEu965ZE_yUcD6Sng7_Lw at mail.gmail.com>
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In the frame of 4 projects financed by the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR - NextGenerationEU funds), the research group in Dynamics of Ecosystems and Computational Oceanography of the Oceanography Section of OGS (https://www.ogs.it/en) is hiring 14 staff units for researchers and technologists (deadline for applications: 4th May).
Call n. 10/2023 - Announcement of public selection for the recruitment of 9 staff units in the profile of Data Scientist / Technologist (full-time, 2-year employment contract) in the broad field of high performance computing (HPC) applications for oceanography.
Proven ability is required within topics related to: management and/or use of computing systems and networks, information technology, computational applications and software development, parallel computing, implementation of technologies for digital twins and data science.
Profile 1: 5 positions in the field of computational applications and
software development, scientific programming, parallel computing and
implementation of technologies for digital twins (TeRABIT project
Profile 2: 2 positions in the field of computational applications and
software development, numerical methods, parallel computing, data analysis
and management, visualization systems and digital twin technologies (iNEST
project <https://www.consorzioinest.it/>).
Profile 3: 2 positions in the field of management and use of
high-performance computing and cloud systems related to the upgrade of the
PRACE-Italy Tier-1 system (TeRABIT project
<https://www.terabit-project.it/>; workplace: Cineca, Bologna).
More information (in italian):
Call n. 11/2023 ? Announcement of public selection for the recruitment of 3 staff units in the profile of Researcher (full-time, 2-year employment
contract) in the field of the analysis of marine ecosystems and the impacts of climate change, using the integration of models and data-driven approaches (TeRABIT project <https://www.terabit-project.it/>).
Proven ability is required within topics related to: Earth system modeling (also at the regional scale) and interactions between its components, modeling of marine ecosystems, analysis of multi-scale impacts of climate change in the Mediterranean Sea and in marginal seas, data-driven modeling and analysis of large volumes of climate and oceanographic data.
More information (in italian):
Call n. 14/2023 ? Announcement of public selection for the recruitment of 2 staff units in the profile of Data Scientist / Technologist (full-time, 2-year employment contract) in the field of Data Science applied to oceanography.
Proven ability is required within topics related to computational applications and software development, parallel computing, implementation of technologies for digital twins, 3D visualization and/or in the field of statistical analysis and machine learning of environmental data, preparation and management of simulations and analysis of large volumes of environmental data, including climate.
Profile 1: 1 position for the analysis of marine-coastal environmental
data and processes, through 'Data analysis methods' and/or optimization and
development of numerical codes (ITINERIS project
Profile 2: 1 position for the production and analysis of simulations at
the Mediterranean scale and for the Italian seas and calculation of
environmental indicators (RETURN project
More information (in italian):
We are looking for scientists and technologists with proven capacity, good planning skills and the ability to work efficiently and with high levels of energy, initiative, internal motivation, and capability to operate both independently and as part of a team. You will have enthusiasm, the willingness to exploit your skills in ocean sciences and to do research for the benefit of communities, pursuing sustainable growth, and seeking the opportunity to develop your career. You will be able to actively participate in the R&D activities of collaborative research projects and have a desire to become a future leader in your field.
We expect that your skills and qualifications include:
- as a minimum education requirement, a University Degree (MSc or
equivalent) in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines, e.g., Physics, Mathematics, Environmental Sciences, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Sciences;
- good experience in computational sciences or statistics, with knowledge and proven use of scientific programming languages or advanced software environments (e.g. Fortran, C, Python, Matlab, R);
- a PhD (or 3-year equivalent experience) in any topic involving computational science and/or data-driven approaches to the activities covered by the call will be considered advantageous.
The research group in Dynamics of Ecosystems and Computational Oceanography
(ECHO) focuses on quantitative approaches to oceanography, marine biogeochemistry and ecosystem dynamics. ECHO?s research activity includes the development, analysis and use of models of varying complexity (physical models, biogeochemical models, food webs, ecological models) with applications at a broad range of scales, spanning from local high-resolution studies, to basin-wide regional models and climatic projections. Applications include the assessment of natural and anthropogenic pressures on marine systems, carbon and nutrient cycling, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, ecosystem approach to fisheries and aquaculture, operational oceanography and data assimilation, analysis of integrated eco-socio-economic systems, and sustainable development. The ECHO group is currently composed of about 40 people, who are collaborating widely with other groups in Italy and at the international level, in the framework of various research projects, services, programmes and networks.
ECHO offers a lively research environment and excellent infrastructure in terms of laboratories and state-of-the-art equipment.
For more info:
More information on the PNRR projects: https://www.ogs.it/it/progetti-pnrr
For specific inquiries about the call, please contact concorsi at ogs.it
Dott. Stefano Salon
Sezione di Oceanografia
Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS via Beirut n. 2
34151 Trieste - Italia
Tel. +39 040 2140633
www.ogs.it <http://www.inogs.it/>
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Message: 2
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 16:55:19 +0200
From: Erika Coppola <coppolae at ictp.it>
To: es_jobs_net at mailman.ucar.edu
Subject: [ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral Opportunity in ICTP, Trieste Italy
- high resolution regional climate modelling, coupled regional earth
system modelling, hydroclimate modelling, machine learning algorithms
for hazard detection and attribution
Message-ID: <FE77A946-BF50-4B44-B0D5-2C6B4AC7A22F at ictp.it>
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Dear colleagues,
The Earth System Physics (ESP, https://www.ictp.it/research/esp.aspx <https://www.ictp.it/research/esp.aspx>) section seeks applications for three postdoctoral positions in the broad areas of high resolution regional climate modelling, coupled regional earth system modelling, hydroclimate modelling and climate data analysis also with machine learning algorithms with a particular focus on extreme and hazard detection and attribution. For info please refer to https://www.ictp.it/opportunity/postdoctoral-positions-1 <https://www.ictp.it/opportunity/postdoctoral-positions-1>
Candidates must have completed a PhD in atmospheric science, geophysical science or related disciplines prior to the start of their fellowship and have experience in the research areas mentioned above.
ICTP offers internationally competitive remuneration and a number of benefits. The appointment will be initially made for one year, renewable for up to an additional two years, to start as soon as possible. Candidates should apply through the ICTP online application system.
The application deadline is 31 May 2023. Candidates should apply online at https://e-applications.ictp.it/applicant/login/3907 <https://e-applications.ictp.it/applicant/login/3907>
Contact:coppolae at ictp.it <mailto:coppolae at ictp.it>?
Coppola Erika , Ph.D
Earth System Physics Section
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics Strada Costiera 11
34100 Trieste, ITALY
Phone: + 39 040 2240 407
Fax: + 39 040 2240 449
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Message: 3
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 18:43:07 +0000
From: "Oakley, Nina at DOC" <Nina.Oakley at conservation.ca.gov>
To: "es_jobs_net at mailman.ucar.edu" <es_jobs_net at mailman.ucar.edu>
Subject: [ES_JOBS_NET] Geohazard/Environmental Scientist- CA
Geological Survey
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The California Geological Survey's Burned Watershed Geohazard program is seeking a Geohazard Scientist (Environmental Scientist).
This is an excellent opportunity for early career people with backgrounds in the Earth sciences (e.g., meteorology, climatology, geology, hydrology, environmental science) who are interested in post-fire hazards and working in an interdisciplinary environment.
The Environmental Scientist is responsible for providing support for modeling and assessment of pre- and post-wildfire geologic and hydrologic hazards. Duties include, but are not limited to: pre- and post- wildfire hazard analysis and assessment, hydrometeorological and climatological data analysis and visualization, geologic and hydrologic monitoring and analysis (including fieldwork on burn areas), and technical communication and coordination.
Application process and salary information can be found here: https://www.calcareers.ca.gov/CalHrPublic/Jobs/JobPosting.aspx?JobControlId=362425
Please note that this position does not allow for telework from outside of California. Application to this position requires completion of the Environmental Scientist Exam (a statement of qualifications) listed in the job announcement.
Please feel free to contact Nina Oakley with any questions. nina.oakley at conservation.ca.gov<mailto:nina.oakley at conservation.ca.gov>
Thank you,
Nina Oakley, Ph.D. (she/her)
Geohazards Climatologist
Burned Watershed Geohazards Program
California Geological Survey
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
C: (916) 584-5312
E: nina.oakley at conservation.ca.gov<mailto:nina.oakley at conservation.ca.gov>
[Social-Facebook]<http://www.facebook.com/calconservation> [Social-Twitter] <http://www.twitter.com/calconservation> [signature_583858804] <https://www.youtube.com/user/calconservation> [socialicon-ig] <http://www.instagram.com/calconservation/>
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Message: 4
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 15:19:19 -0400
From: Brian Kawzenuk <bkawzenuk at ucsd.edu>
To: Es_jobs_net at ucar.edu
Subject: [ES_JOBS_NET] Meteorology Applications Programmer Position at
Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes, Scripps Institution of
<CAPrEreWLQgq68gjvMSrg7-vfQ4d4OSpMBoMgH1nV2kqixPdnSw at mail.gmail.com>
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The Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes <https://cw3e.ucsd.edu/> at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, is seeking a Meteorology Applications Programmer for a two year position with the potential for extension. Applications accepted through 12 May. Please see the job description below or at this link <https://employment.ucsd.edu/meteorology-applications-programmer-122635/job/24450581>
more information and don?t hesitate to reach out to bkawzenuk at ucsd.edu if you have any questions. Here is the link to apply <https://employment.ucsd.edu/meteorology-applications-programmer-122635/job/24450581>
. Please forward widely to your networks. Thanks for your attention!
The Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E) is leading the development and implementation of new research and applications capabilities focused on extreme weather and climate events in the Western US. CW3E uses weather and climate observations, numerical models and decision support tools focused on atmospheric and land-surface conditions related to extreme events and their impacts. CW3E collaborates with UCSD departments, other universities, and local, state, and federal agencies.
Efforts to be undertaken by CW3E will include scientific research, technology development, numerical model development and testing, and development/deployment of smart tools that aid decision makers affected by extreme weather, water and climate events. A key activity of the CW3E is to develop methods and systems to aid reservoir operations for flood control, water supply and ecosystems. To foster the best possible working and learning environment, CW3E strives to maintain a climate of fairness, cooperation, and professionalism. To do so, CW3E practices the UC San Diego principles of community (https://ucsd.edu/about/principles.html).
Applies professional programming concepts for small to medium-sized projects or portions of larger projects. Resolves a variety of programming design and implementation issues. Works on programming assignments of moderate scope where analysis of situations or data requires a review of a variety of factors.
Applies programming and workflow skills to implement the creation, display, and optimization of forecast and observational tools for the CW3E website.
Troubleshooting and debugging of existing operational workflows. Ability to work independently as well as within a group under the guidance of existing CW3E staff. The Meteorology Applications Programmer will have foundational knowledge in meteorology, atmospheric science, hydrology, and/or climate science.
Experience with common programming tools. Knowledge of bash and/or other
common shells, Python, NCL, MatLab, HTML, Javascript, CSS.
Extensive knowledge and ability to work with various data file formats
such as Grib, NetCDF, binary, ASCII, and others.
Knowledge of different meteorologic and climatic data set sets (e.g.
Knowledge of secure software development.
Intermediate skills associated with the design, development,
modification and deployment of software, including object-oriented
programming concepts.
Knowledge of other IT related areas. Ability to produce and run
workflows and code on supercomputers and shared computational
resources.Proper code management through the utilization of code
Demonstrated software repository skills.
Demonstrated ability to follow software specifications.
Demonstrated effective communication and interpersonal skills.
Communication includes both oral and written skills.
Demonstrated ability to communicate technical information to technical
and non-technical personnel at various levels in the organization.
Self-motivated and works independently and as part of a team. Able to
learn effectively and meet deadlines. Ability to prioritize and adapt as
Demonstrated problem-solving skills.
Brian Kawzenuk
Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E) Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, Ca 92093
BKawzenuk at ucsd.edu
*Work location in Eastern Time Zone*
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Message: 5
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 20:04:34 +0000
From: Daniel McCoy <daniel.mccoy at uwyo.edu>
To: "es_jobs_net at mailman.ucar.edu" <es_jobs_net at mailman.ucar.edu>
Subject: [ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral fellow for Global to Regional
Origins of Water Stress (GROWS) at University of Wyoming
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Postdoctoral fellow for Global to Regional Origins of Water Stress (GROWS)
The University of Wyoming (UW) department of Atmospheric Science (ATSC) invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship focused on leveraging spaceborne and suborbital observations for machine-learning aided global model development and physical understanding of the water cycle as part of the NASA-funded Global to Regional Origins of Water Stress (GROWS) initiative. As the Mountain West faces an unprecedented ?mega-drought?, understanding and predicting water transport in this region is of critical importance. This fellowship is funded through a UW-led collaboration with the following NASA centers: GISS, JPL, and GSFC. The successful candidate may begin in August of 2023 and will work on using observations from a variety of platforms to constrain how moisture converges into the Mountain West and the origin of regional water stress. They will leverage the perturbed parameter ensemble created in the development of the GISS-E3 model to constrain and understand how global climate affe cts regional water stress.
The qualified applicant should have experience working with climate model data and observations and a background in atmospheric science. They should have a strong foundation in programming and experience in using machine learning to develop surrogate models, or an interest in learning how to develop surrogate models. The postdoctoral scholar will be expected to participate in a UAV field deployment as well as providing mentorship to the graduate student supported by GROWS.
The position is a 1 year appointment with renewal up to 3 years. GROWS places a premium on advancing your career through conference travel and collaborating closely with our colleagues at NASA centers is a key element of the proposal, including a two-week secondment to NASA-GISS in New York City.
The UW is a land-grant university located in Laramie, WY<https://www.visitlaramie.org/>. The location is both scenic and accessible: Denver International Airport is a short flight from the regional airport or a 2.5 hour drive. Laramie hosts a laid-back, outdoorsy lifestyle with a low cost of living<https://www.nerdwallet.com/cost-of-living-calculator/compare/new-york-brooklyn-ny-vs-laramie-wy>. The UW ATSC is a vibrant department boasting unrivaled supercomputer facilities and a research aircraft. UW is reserved 13% of total core-hours<https://www.uwyo.edu/nwsc/> at the NCAR-Wyoming Supercomputing Center (NWSC). ATSC hosts the UW King Air<https://www.uwyo.edu/atsc/uwka/>, which flies as part of the NSF Lower Atmosphere Observing Facility (LAOF). ATSC is a graduate-only, research-focused department with a group composition of 7 faculty and 5 research scientists by the start date of fall 2023. UW and ATSC encourage candidates who will support and advance our mission of enhancing divers ity to apply. Information on UW diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts may be found here<https://www.uwyo.edu/diversity/>.
Applicants should submit a CV, a one page statement of research interests, and the contact information of 3 references. For further information, please contact Dr. McCoy<mailto:daniel.mccoy at uwyo.edu>.
Apply here: https://eeik.fa.us2.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX_1/job/230959/?utm_medium=jobshare
Daniel McCoy
Assistant Professor
Department of Atmospheric Science
University of Wyoming
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Message: 6
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 15:51:25 -0600
From: Megan Melamed - NOAA Federal <megan.melamed at noaa.gov>
To: es_jobs_net at mailman.ucar.edu
Subject: [ES_JOBS_NET] CU/CIRES Open Positions at the NOAA Chemical
Sciences Laboratory - Boulder, CO
<CAAnXPc+f8H1ucqNDvEPam=2Vyr+WDjEK3_XyKjcBQv2nrYSCCA at mail.gmail.com>
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There are currently four open CU/CIRES Positions at the NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory in Boulder, CO. Please see the links to the positions below.
1. Post-Doctoral Associate or Research Scientist
<https://jobs.colorado.edu/jobs/JobDetail?jobId=45308> (SO2 and NOx
2. Postdoctoral Associate in Climate Intervention Laboratory Studies
<https://jobs.colorado.edu/jobs/JobDetail?jobId=45812> (Earth Radiation
Budget laboratory studies)
3. Instrument Development and Stratospheric Post-Doctoral Associate or
Research Scientist
<https://jobs.colorado.edu/jobs/JobDetail?jobId=46823> (Balloon
4. Associate Scientist in Measurements of Organic Trace Gasses
<https://jobs.colorado.edu/jobs/JobDetail?jobId=47540> (Trace gas
measurement support)
Megan L. Melamed, PhD (*she, her*)
Deputy Director
NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory
Boulder, CO, USA
303.727.0952 (Mobile)
megan.melamed at noaa.gov
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Message: 7
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 21:58:04 -0700
From: Carsten Meyer-Jacob <carsten.meyerjacob at gmail.com>
To: "Salon, Stefano via Es_jobs_net" <es_jobs_net at mailman.ucar.edu>
Subject: Re: [ES_JOBS_NET] 14 positions for full-time research and
technology fellowships at OGS (Italy)
Message-ID: <29627CF7-ADF2-4CA3-BED7-8A5435A5AA5C at gmail.com>
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Thank you for your message. I am currently out of the office with limited internet access until April 24th. I will respond to your message as soon as possible.
On Apr 19, 2023, at 06:23, Salon, Stefano via Es_jobs_net <es_jobs_net at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:
> In the frame of 4 projects financed by the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR - NextGenerationEU funds), the research group in Dynamics of Ecosystems and Computational Oceanography of the Oceanography Section of OGS (https://www.ogs.it/en) is hiring 14 staff units for researchers and technologists (deadline for applications: 4th May).
> ?>
> Call n. 10/2023 - Announcement of public selection for the recruitment of 9 staff units in the profile of Data Scientist / Technologist (full-time, 2-year employment contract) in the broad field of high performance computing (HPC) applications for oceanography.
> Proven ability is required within topics related to: management and/or use of computing systems and networks, information technology, computational applications and software development, parallel computing, implementation of technologies for digital twins and data science.
> ? Profile 1: 5 positions in the field of computational applications and software development, scientific programming, parallel computing and implementation of technologies for digital twins (TeRABIT project).?>
> ? Profile 2: 2 positions in the field of computational applications and software development, numerical methods, parallel computing, data analysis and management, visualization systems and digital twin technologies (iNEST project).?>
> ? Profile 3: 2 positions in the field of management and use of high-performance computing and cloud systems related to the upgrade of the PRACE-Italy Tier-1 system (TeRABIT project; workplace: Cineca, Bologna).?>
> More information (in italian):
> https://www.ogs.it/it/concorsi/bando-102023-concorso-pubblico-titoli-ed-esami-lassunzione-con-contratto-di-lavoro-tempo?
> ?>
> Call n. 11/2023 ? Announcement of public selection for the recruitment of 3 staff units in the profile of Researcher (full-time, 2-year employment contract) in the field of the analysis of marine ecosystems and the impacts of climate change, using the integration of models and data-driven approaches (TeRABIT project).?
> Proven ability is required within topics related to: Earth system modeling (also at the regional scale) and interactions between its components, modeling of marine ecosystems, analysis of multi-scale impacts of climate change in the Mediterranean Sea and in marginal seas, data-driven modeling and analysis of large volumes of climate and oceanographic data.
> More information (in italian):
> https://www.ogs.it/it/concorsi/bando-112023-concorso-pubblico-titoli-e
> d-esami-lassunzione-con-contratto-di-lavoro-tempo
> ?
> Call n. 14/2023 ? Announcement of public selection for the recruitment of 2 staff units in the profile of Data Scientist / Technologist (full-time, 2-year employment contract) in the field of Data Science applied to oceanography.
> Proven ability is required within topics related to computational applications and software development, parallel computing, implementation of technologies for digital twins, 3D visualization and/or in the field of statistical analysis and machine learning of environmental data, preparation and management of simulations and analysis of large volumes of environmental data, including climate.
> ? Profile 1: 1 position for the analysis of marine-coastal environmental data and processes, through 'Data analysis methods' and/or optimization and development of numerical codes (ITINERIS project)?>
> ? Profile 2: 1 position for the production and analysis of simulations at the Mediterranean scale and for the Italian seas and calculation of environmental indicators (RETURN project).?>
> ?>
> More information (in italian):
> https://www.ogs.it/it/concorsi/bando-142023-concorso-pubblico-titoli-e
> d-esami-lassunzione-con-contratto-di-lavoro-tempo
> We are looking for scientists and technologists with proven capacity, good planning skills and the ability to work efficiently and with high levels of energy, initiative, internal motivation, and capability to operate both independently and as part of a team. You will have enthusiasm, the willingness to exploit your skills in ocean sciences and to do research for the benefit of communities, pursuing sustainable growth, and seeking the opportunity to develop your career. You will be able to actively participate in the R&D activities of collaborative research projects and have a desire to become a future leader in your field.
> We expect that your skills and qualifications include:
> - as a minimum education requirement, a University Degree (MSc or
> equivalent) in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
> disciplines, e.g., Physics, Mathematics, Environmental Sciences,
> Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Sciences;
> - good experience in computational sciences or statistics, with
> knowledge and proven use of scientific programming languages or
> advanced software environments (e.g. Fortran, C, Python, Matlab, R);
> - a PhD (or 3-year equivalent experience) in any topic involving computational science and/or data-driven approaches to the activities covered by the call will be considered advantageous.
> The research group in Dynamics of Ecosystems and Computational
> Oceanography (ECHO) focuses on quantitative approaches to
> oceanography, marine biogeochemistry and ecosystem dynamics. ECHO?s
> research activity includes the development, analysis and use of models
> of varying complexity (physical models, biogeochemical models, food
> webs, ecological models) with applications at a broad range of scales,
> spanning from local high-resolution studies, to basin-wide regional
> models and climatic projections. Applications include the assessment
> of natural and anthropogenic pressures on marine systems, carbon and
> nutrient cycling, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, ecosystem
> approach to fisheries and aquaculture, operational oceanography and
> data assimilation, analysis of integrated eco-socio-economic systems,
> and sustainable development. The ECHO group is currently composed of
> about 40 people, who are collaborating widely with other groups in
> Italy and at the international level, in the fram
ework of various research projects, services, programmes and networks. ECHO offers a lively research environment and excellent infrastructure in terms of laboratories and state-of-the-art equipment.
> For more info:
> https://www.ogs.it/en/dynamics-ecosystems-and-computational-oceanograp
> hy
> More information on the PNRR projects:
> https://www.ogs.it/it/progetti-pnrr
> For specific inquiries about the call, please contact concorsi at ogs.it
> --
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Dott. Stefano Salon
> Sezione di Oceanografia
> Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS
> via Beirut n. 2
> 34151 Trieste - Italia
> Tel. +39 040 2140633?
> www.ogs.it
> _______________________________________________
> Es_jobs_net mailing list
> Es_jobs_net at mailman.ucar.edu
> https://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/es_jobs_net
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Message: 8
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 21:58:09 -0700
From: Carsten Meyer-Jacob <carsten.meyerjacob at gmail.com>
To: Erika Coppola via Es_jobs_net <es_jobs_net at mailman.ucar.edu>
Subject: Re: [ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral Opportunity in ICTP, Trieste
Italy - high resolution regional climate modelling, coupled regional
earth system modelling, hydroclimate modelling, machine learning
algorithms for hazard detection and attribution
Message-ID: <9D207DF5-E293-401B-9438-346DDD6F9D50 at gmail.com>
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Thank you for your message. I am currently out of the office with limited internet access until April 24th. I will respond to your message as soon as possible.
On Apr 19, 2023, at 07:55, Erika Coppola via Es_jobs_net <es_jobs_net at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,?
> The Earth System Physics (ESP,?https://www.ictp.it/research/esp.aspx)
> section?seeks applications for?three postdoctoral positions??in the
> broad areas of high resolution regional climate modelling, coupled
> regional earth system modelling, hydroclimate modelling and climate
> data analysis also with machine learning algorithms with a particular
> focus on extreme and hazard detection and attribution. For info please
> refer to?https://www.ictp.it/opportunity/postdoctoral-positions-1
> Candidates?must have completed a PhD in atmospheric science, geophysical science or related disciplines prior to the start of their fellowship and have experience in the research areas mentioned above.
> ICTP offers internationally competitive remuneration and a number of benefits. The appointment will be initially made for one year, ?renewable for up to an additional two years, to start as soon as possible.?Candidates should apply through the ICTP online application system.
> The application deadline is 31 May 2023. Candidates should apply
> online at?https://e-applications.ictp.it/applicant/login/3907
> Contact:coppolae at ictp.it?
> --?
> Coppola Erika , Ph.D
> Earth System Physics Section
> The Abdus Salam International Centre?for Theoretical Physics Strada
> Costiera 11
> 34100 Trieste, ITALY
> Phone:?+ 39 040 2240 407
> Fax:?+ 39 040 ?2240 449
> _______________________________________________
> Es_jobs_net mailing list
> Es_jobs_net at mailman.ucar.edu
> https://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/es_jobs_net
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Message: 9
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 16:48:07 -0600
From: Rajesh Kumar <rkumar at ucar.edu>
To: es_jobs_net at mailman.ucar.edu
Subject: [ES_JOBS_NET] Job opportunities in the UAE
<CAEO+bG-9mofY70w9ZU5QzxVB82G39=0NH6HO6Lm7RmBdJwHK4Q at mail.gmail.com>
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Hi there,
Four vacancies available for Research Scientists/Specialists at the National Center of Meteorology (NCM) <https://www.linkedin.com/feed/>. Please review carefully the following eligibility requirements listed per vacancy. If you meet the requirements, please send a 2-page resume and cover letter to Dr.
Taha Al Hosari (TAlhosary at ncms.ae)
*1) NWP Research Scientist*
- Expertise in compiling, running and post-processing with the Weather
Research and Forecast (WRF) model and its extension packages, specifically,
- Experience in atmospheric science in different research areas including
mesoscale convective systems and microscale meteorology over complex ter
rain and land surfaces.
- Competent in cross-scale model setups and verification (microscale,
mesoscale, synoptic, macroscale and regional scale) in uncoupled and
coupled modes (e.g. ocean, land, and chemistry) using a variety of physics
options and parametrizations.
- Experience in Scientific Optimization and Refinement of operational
NWP models, by utilizing the model verification statistics and testing
different physical parameterizations.
- Experience in various data assimilation (DA) methods (RTFDDA, 3DVAR,
4DVAR and hybrid EnVar ) includes mesoscale DA and source code tweaking
to run hypothetical scenarios (e.g. land cover changes, artificial water
bodies and surface heat sources, etc.).
- Must have experience in processing a wide range of satellite/radar
remote sensing products for earth and hydro-meteorological applications ?
knowledge of relevant AI/machine learning applications is desirable.
- Knowledge on direct numerical simulations (DNS) to model cloud
microphysical processes and the analyses of measurements from in-situ
aircraft observations and/or cloud chamber experiments is desirable.
- Working knowledge of the "PlanetWRF" model (https://planetwrf.com/)
and basic knowledge of space weather applications is a big plus to develop
this role further.
- Must have a publication record in Q1-ranked journals, led/participated
in externally funded research projects, and experience/readiness to mentor
early-career researchers.
- Must have a PhD degree in Atmospheric Science, Environmental
Engineering, or a closely related field.
- Optimization of code compilation on High Performance Computer (HPC)
for parallel processing.
- Programming languages (Shell scripting, Python, Fortran,) and file
format (NetCDF, GRIB2)
*2) Machine Learning Scientist*
- Expertise in AI model frameworks, specifically in machine learning and
deep learning applications ? e.g. TensorFlow, PyTorch,
Recurrent/Convolutional Neural Networks, Long Short-Term Memory algorithms,
etc. ? GIS and mapping, advanced 3D visualization, inverse modeling, and
- Must have experience in big data processing and visualization,
specifically for satellite/radar remote sensing and model reanalysis output
for earth and hydro-meteorological observation (e.g. GPM, MODIS, SMAP, GFS,
- Experience with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), CubeSat and UAV senor
data is also desirable.
- Must have a publication record in Q1-ranked journals, led/participated
in externally funded research projects, and experience/readiness to mentor
early-career researchers.
- Must have a PhD degree in Atmospheric Science, Computer/Data Science,
Artificial Intelligence, or a closely related field.
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