[ES_JOBS_NET] Travel grant opportunities for faculty, students, and staff

Shelley Knuth Shelley.Knuth at Colorado.EDU
Tue Jan 17 18:51:42 MST 2023

Hi everyone,

I recently received an NSF grant to support a program called “ACCESS”.  As part of this effort, we can provide travel grants for faculty, staff, postdocs, or students to travel to any conference they choose.  There’s a contribution component to the ACCESS effort, but we’ve done our best to make it as minimal as possible, depending on the tier you choose to engage with.

Please visit https://support.access-ci.org/ccep-pilot if you would like to learn more about this effort.  We are very interested in a wide variety of disciplines contributing to our effort, so if you have any questions at all about how you might fit in or would like guidance on your submissions please feel free to email my team member Alana Romanella (alana.romanella at colorado.edu<mailto:alana.romanella at colorado.edu>) and she can assist you!

Please share!



Shelley L. Knuth, PhD
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research Computing
University of Colorado Boulder
597 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309
(303) 735-3886

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