[ES_JOBS_NET] Technicians, postdoc, PhD student: forestry and agriculture GHGs and carbon

Thomas L O'Halloran tohallo at clemson.edu
Mon Feb 13 20:13:26 MST 2023


We have several positions open associated with a new, large grant. Details on how to apply are at this link: http://bit.ly/OHalloranLabPositions

Climate Smart Agriculture and Forestry Cluster Hire

Come join an interdisciplinary group of dedicated faculty, research scientists, and graduate students committed to professional excellence and promoting diversity and inclusivity at a Top-30 public university!  You will join a team working to optimize natural climate solutions in southeastern forests and agricultural systems.

The O'Halloran Lab is currently hiring 8 positions:

-Tower project manager - coordinates installation and operation of six new eddy covariance towers in managed forests
-Tower technician - deploys sensors and operates six new eddy covariance towers in managed forests
-Postdoc - analyzes eddy covariance data from six new towers in managed forests
-Ph.D. student - studies carbon dioxide removal (carbon sequestration) in managed forests and helps develop Measurement, Monitoring, Reporting and Verification methods in forest carbon projects
-Undergraduate summer interns (2) - conducts forest surveys in forest carbon sequestration projects, lives at the Baruch Institute during the summer in provided housing as part of UPIC program

Row crops
-Lab technician, soils - conducts laboratory analyses of soil carbon stocks and other properties
-Field technician, greenhouse gases - deploys high tech chambers and gas analyzers to quantify soil greenhouse gas fluxes

Forestry & Environmental Conservation Dept.
Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology & Forest Science
Clemson University

Highway 17 N
P.O. Box 596
Georgetown, SC 29442-0596
w (843) 546-1013 x235
f (843) 546-6296
tohallo at clemson.edu<mailto:tohallo at clemson.edu>

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