[ES_JOBS_NET] Carnegie Postdoctoral Fellowship

Hélène Le Mével hlemevel at carnegiescience.edu
Wed Sep 28 17:39:16 MDT 2022

The Earth and Planets Laboratory (EPL), a division of the Carnegie
Institution for Science, invites applications for postdoctoral fellowships
at its campus in Washington, DC. Applicants’ primary field of research
should overlap with one of our areas of interest: observational,
experimental and theoretical research in astronomy, cosmochemistry, data
science, experimental petrology, geobiology, geochemistry, geodynamics,
geophysics, mineral physics, planetary science, physics and chemistry of
materials, and volcanology.

More information about our research and facilities can be viewed at
https://epl.carnegiescience.edu <http://epl.carnegiescience.edu/> and about
our postdoctoral fellowships and experience at
https://epl.carnegiescience.edu/postdoctoral. Apply at
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