[ES_JOBS_NET] Seeking M.S. and Ph.D. Students

Rebecca Beadling rebecca.beadling at temple.edu
Thu Oct 13 21:25:54 MDT 2022


Could I please post the following ad for prospective graduate students:

The newly established Ocean Climate Connections (OCC) lab
(https://sites.temple.edu/oceanclimateconnections/) led by Dr. Becki Beadling in the Earth and
Environmental Science Department at Temple University is seeking to fill two fully-funded
Masters and Ph.D. positions for Fall 2023. Research in the OCC lab is centered on understanding
the role of the ocean in the climate system – its present state, future evolution, and coupled
processes between the ocean and other components of the climate system. Graduate students
will use state-of-the-science observational datasets, observational products, and climate model
simulations as the primary tools in their research. The OCC lab runs its own high-performance
analysis and data storage system for analysis of large datasets and model output, putting state of the art computing at your fingertips. The OCC lab specializes in evaluating the performance of climate models in representing ocean processes and properties, developing diagnostics to build a process-level understanding of model performance and climate projections, coupled ocean – climate processes, Southern Ocean physical and
biogeochemical dynamics, and ice-ocean processes along the Antarctic margin. Please see the
Research section on our lab webpage linked above for more on the main themes of our work.

In the theme of collaboration and open and reproducible science, students will learn to use
GitHub and Python in their research, with support provided to train students on these tools if
entering with limited experience or experience in another programming language. Support will
be provided to send students to relevant workshops and conferences throughout their tenure,
as communication of the value of their work and networking are vital pieces to a students’
success. While all projects will fall into the general theme of understanding the ocean’s role in
the climate system, the exact scope of the project will be determined in collaboration with each

Temple’s Department of Earth and Environmental Science offers a M.S. degree in Geology and
a Ph.D. in Geosciences, with an application deadline for Fall 2023 admission of January 15th,
2023. Prospective candidates are strongly encouraged to reach out to Dr. Becki Beadling as
soon as possible via email at rebecca.beadling at temple.edu with a short introduction including
background and interests. Both M.S. and Ph.D. students are provided with a fully-funded
competitive stipend including tuition coverage and health insurance. Please see our
departments webpage for further information on the program and requirements:



Rebecca L. Beadling, PhD (she/her)
Assistant Professor
Department of Earth and Environmental Science
College of Science and Technology
Temple University
Beury Hall, Rm. 315
1901 North 13th Street
Philadelphia PA 19122
google scholar<https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=tOmYqzAAAAAJ&hl=en>

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