[ES_JOBS_NET] Climate Adaptation in Energy Systems - UMich Postdoctoral Fellowships

Michael Craig mtcraig at umich.edu
Tue Oct 11 14:48:18 MDT 2022


Professor Michael Craig's ASSET Lab at the University of Michigan is hiring two
postdoctoral fellows <https://www.assetlab.org/open-positions> in the area
of climate adaptation for energy infrastructure. Applications are strongly
encouraged from individuals with diverse educational backgrounds, including
from meteorology and climate sciences. One position is an open call around
climate adaptation in interconnected energy systems. The other, co-advised
by 3 other UM faculty, is focused on equitable mitigation, adaptation, and
resilience for interconnected infrastructure. Both positions offer numerous
collaborative and advising opportunities with other ongoing climate
adaptation projects in ASSET Lab.

Full position descriptions are attached and available at this link:
https://www.assetlab.org/open-positions. All positions are 1-year positions
with an optional second year; offer flexibility in work location; and
provide competitive salary and benefits.

Please contact Michael at mtcraig at umich.edu with questions. Applications
will be considered on a rolling basis.

UM's Institute for Data Science also has numerous AI in Science
Postdoctoral Fellowships open. If you are interested in applying AI in the
areas of climate science or energy systems, please contact Michael. More
information is available here: https://midas.umich.edu/ai-in-science/ .


Michael Craig (he/him/his)
Assistant Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability and
Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering
3010 Dana Building, 440 Church St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
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