[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD Assistantship in Remote Sensing

Tao Liu taoliu at mtu.edu
Fri Mar 25 19:34:27 MDT 2022

*Assistantship Description:* A PhD position is available with Dr. Tao Liu
at Michigan Technological University. The student will apply AI\deep
learning algorithms to process the active\passive remote sensing data to
solve a wide spectrum of research problems related to landcover\land use,
ecology, forest health and carbon cycling. Candidates with domain knowledge
in the aforementioned area are preferred. The candidate will take a role in
a NASA-funded Land-Cover and Land-Use Change (LCLUC) project.


·      MS or BS degree in environmental science, forestry, geography,
computer science, data science or other related fields.

·      Programming skills using Python.

·      Remote sensing research or image processing experience

·      Strong communication skills, both in terms of formal written

and oral presentations.

*Funding: *The selected candidate will be fully funded with a stipend
($2100~2200/month) and tuition.

*Timing:* The start date is Fall 2022. The position is available
immediately and open until filled.

*Application Procedure:*

Applicant should email Dr. Tao Liu at taoliu at mtu.edu to express your
interest in the
position. Please include a brief cover letter describing your relevant
qualifications and interest in the project. Also include a copy of your CV,
transcripts, and TOEFL or IELTS (international applicants). GRE is NOT

===========<< Tao Liu, Ph.D.>>===========
Assistant Professor in Remote Sensing and GIS
College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science
Michigan Technological University
Office number: +1(906) 487-1720
Email: taoliu at mtu.edu
Noblet Building 189
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI 49931
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