[ES_JOBS_NET] Post-doctoral research assistant, Reading UK: photosynthesis & vegetation radiative transfer modelling

Tristan Quaife t.l.quaife at reading.ac.uk
Tue Mar 22 03:36:23 MDT 2022

Dear all,

I am recruiting for a ~3-year PDRA position which will examine detailed 3D structure in forest canopies, and what the implications of this is for modelling photosynthesis. In collaboration with colleagues at UCL, we will build very high-resolution DART models for a range of sites using lidar data, and use the resulting RT calculations to model photosynthesis. We will then use these detailed models to test simpler RT models suitable for inclusion in a land surface model (specifically JULES, the land surface scheme of the UK climate and ESM models) and examine the impact on photosynthesis on global scales.

The job is based in the University of Reading's Meteorology Department - a world leading centre for weather and climate science. More details, and information about how to apply, here:


Feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Best wishes,

Dr. Tristan Quaife,
Associate Prof. of Carbon Cycle Science,
Department of Meteorology,
University of Reading,
Reading, RG6 6ET, UK.


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