[ES_JOBS_NET] Funded MS opportunity at UNCW in seafloor geodesy at Axial Seamount volcano

Shannon Klotsko sklotsko at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 12:37:30 MST 2022

*Seafloor geodesy at Axial Seamount volcano*

*MS student opportunity and fully funded Research Assistantship at the
University of North Carolina Wilmington:*

Axial Seamount is the most active volcano on the Juan de Fuca Ridge and is
the site of the longest continuous record of seafloor deformation. It is
currently the location of a cabled observatory as part of the Ocean
Observatories Initiative. Eruptions in 1998, 2011, and 2015 have been
observed at Axial Seamount and uplift since the 2015 eruption indicates
that there will likely be another eruption within the next few years. The
student will be involved in going out to sea* in the summer of 2022* to
collect more seafloor geodetic data using the ROV Jason, then will use that
data in conjunction with the >22 year record of deformation, current
seismicity, and other real-time data from the cabled network at Axial
Seamount to model magma dynamics and subsurface properties.

If interested, please contact:

Dr. Scott Nooner

nooners at uncw.edu
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