[ES_JOBS_NET] Job opening in air quality modeling group at US EPA in RTP, NC

Heather Simon heatherkeefe at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 08:09:00 MDT 2022

Please see info below about this job opening in the air quality modeling
group at US EPA.  Please note the close date of this posting is July 11.

The vacancy announcement can be found at


*Physical Scientist*

*Series and Grade Announced:*

*GS/1301/13 *

*Promotional Potential:*




*Location of Position:*

*Durham, NC*

*Position Type:*


*Opening Date:*


*Closing Date:*


*Number of Vacancies:*


The Air Quality Modeling Group (AQMG) is responsible for understanding and
applying physical and chemical atmospheric processes with numerical
simulation models to support policy and regulatory decisions in the Office
of Air and Radiation (OAR) and provides leadership and direction on the
full range of meteorological and air quality models and other mathematical
simulation techniques used in assessing control strategies and source
impacts on national, region, and local air quality levels.

Specifically, AQMG leads or performs the following functions:

·       Provides leadership and expertise in understanding physical and
chemical atmospheric processes related to characterizing criteria and toxic
pollutant ambient concentrations and deposition.

·       Provides leadership and expertise in applying photochemical,
dispersion and other mathematical simulation models and techniques that are
integral to policy and regulatory decisions by the Agency for multiple
pollutants, sources, and spatial scales (e.g., global, national, regional,
and local or neighborhood).

·       Provides leadership and direction through technical guidance on the
selection, use, and evaluation of models to meet Clean Air Act and related
federal requirements for assessments of source impacts and control
strategies by the EPA as well as other federal agencies; multi-state
organizations; state, local, and tribal agencies; research institutions;
and stakeholder organizations.

·       Collaborates with the Office of Research and Development (ORD) and
the atmospheric research community to promote the development and
evaluation of new models, techniques, and atmospheric research studies that
meet policy and regulatory needs (e.g., NAAQS reviews and implementation,
risk and exposure analyses, cost-benefit analyses, future projections of
air quality levels, etc).

·       Collaborates across modeling community on modeling studies to assess
future air quality and the sensitivity of control programs and policies
under alternative climate regimes and conducts global to regional-scale
modeling to identify and evaluate linkages of regional air quality and

·       Collaborates with the EPA’s ORD, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA), and other scientific and stakeholder organizations to ensure best
practices for the development and use of meteorological and atmospheric
chemistry models for use in general and Air Quality Management in
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