[ES_JOBS_NET] Tenure - Track Assistant Professor in Physical Limnology / Switzerland

Julia Schmale julia.schmale at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 10:57:04 MST 2022

Dear all,

EPFL has launched search for a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Physical
Limnology*: **https://facultyrecruiting.epfl.ch/positiondetails/34865161

If you know potential candidates, please notify them of this outstanding
opportunity in a well-funded, international institution. You are welcome to
forward this email to your networks as well.

Best regards,


*Julia Schmale*

*Assistant Professor*

*EPFL Valais Wallis*

*Extreme Environments Research Laboratory*

*Ingvar Kamprad Chair*

Rue de l’Industrie 17

Case Postale 440

CH-1951 Sion

Phone : +41 21 695 82 69

E-mail : julia.schmale at epfl.ch

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