[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD position - "Reconstruction of freshwater discharge and ocean dynamics using tropical corals", Heidelberg, Germany

Sophie Warken swarken at iup.uni-heidelberg.de
Mon Feb 28 09:40:59 MST 2022

Dear colleagues (apologies for cross-posting),


the Institute of Environmental Physics at Heidelberg University invites
applications for a PhD position (three years, starting from 1.6.2022). The
position is placed within the "Physics of Environmental Archives" group of
Prof. Norbert Frank and Dr. Sophie Warken. The project entitled "Quantifying
post Little-Ice-Age freshwater discharge and ocean dynamics in the Central
American Sea using a novel tracer combination: δ234U - (P)SST - 14C" is part
of the externally funded DFG Priority Programme "Tropical Climate
Variability and Coral Reefs" (SPP 2299). 


Please find more details about the project in the attachment, or under the
following link:

Reviews of applications will start shortly, but will continue until the
position is filled - so we are still open for applications. 

For any questions please contact Prof. Dr. Norbert Frank
(norbert.frank at iup.uni-heidelberg.de
<mailto:norbert.frank at iup.uni-heidelberg.de> ) or Dr. Sophie Warken (
<mailto:sophie.warken at iup.uni-heidelberg.de>
sophie.warken at iup.uni-heidelberg.de). 


We would highly appreciate if you could forward this advertisement to
potentially interested candidates or other institutions!


Thank you, 


Norbert and Sophie




Dr. Sophie Warken 


Physics of Environmental Archives

Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg

Im Neuenheimer Feld 234

69120 Heidelberg


Email:  <mailto:Sophie.Warken at iup.uni-heidelberg.de>
Sophie.Warken at iup.uni-heidelberg.de

Tel: 06221 54 96029



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