[ES_JOBS_NET] 1 Postdoc and 2 PhD position in polar atmospheric science @ EPFL Switzerland

Julia Schmale julia.schmale at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 01:16:08 MST 2022

Dear all,

We have three open positions to fill (2 PhD and 1 Postdoc) in the Extreme
Environments Research Lab, EPFL.

The PhD positions are linked to a new project called VAERTICAL
<https://www.epfl.ch/labs/eerl/eerl-home-page/research/vaertical/>, which
investigates the vertical distribution of aerosols and trace gases with a
tethered balloon and numerical modeling in the Arctic. We have a particular
focus on warm air mass intrusions. One PhD position is co-supervised by
Athanasios Nenes.

The Postdoc position targets field experiments in both polar regions and
the Alps.

Please feel free to forward this information to potential candidates.

Thank you very much in advance.

Best wishes,


*Julia Schmale*

*Assistant Professor*

*EPFL Valais Wallis*

*Extreme Environments Research Laboratory (EERL)*

*Ingvar Kamprad Chair*

Route des Ronquos 86

CH-1951 Sion


Phone : +41 21 695 82 69

E-mail : julia.schmale at epfl.ch

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