[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoc positions in climate dynamics, impacts, and action at the University of Virginia

Kathleen Schiro kathleen.a.schiro at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 10:29:14 MDT 2022

*Postdoc positions in climate dynamics, impacts, and action at the
University of Virginia*

The Environmental Resilience Institute <http://eri.virginia.edu/g2c> at the
University of Virginia (UVA) is launching a new Global-to-Community Climate
Research Collaborative (G2C) Fellowship Program. The fellowship program
seeks to recruit 15 postdoctoral scholars over the next five years and will
grow UVA’s expertise in the research areas of climate dynamics, impacts,
and action. We seek leading scholars to advance the connection between
climate modeling and community-level decision making. Creating this
capability will require scholarship spanning disciplinary, spatial, and
temporal boundaries.

*The climate dynamics project for which we are currently advertising
involves regional hydroclimate changes.*  In this project, the postdoctoral
fellow will use global climate models, regional climate models, and
local-scale hydrological models to characterize future changes in
hydroclimate in the southeastern United States. The project will focus not
only on changes in mean hydroclimate, but also changes in seasonality,
variability, and extreme events and the implications for those changes at
the community-scale level. The fellow will bridge the expertise between
global-scale modelers, who focus on understanding the large-scale climate
dynamics that contribute to uncertainty in future projections of the
hydrological cycle, and local-scale modelers, who understand the
local-scale factors necessary to incorporate into models to provide
actionable information to community-scale decision makers.

A full list of all available projects is provided at

Since climate change is expected to increasingly affect disadvantaged,
often underrepresented communities, the G2C Fellowship Program is
especially interested in including scholars with backgrounds that are
underrepresented in climate change research. The postdoctoral fellows will
work as a cohort and will receive professional support and training,
technical support, and computational infrastructure tailored to the
program. Fellows will each work directly with two faculty members in
different Schools to build cross-disciplinary fluency in support of their
own research.

To be eligible, applicants must have received or will receive their Ph.D.
degree by June 2022. There is no citizenship requirement. Each G2C fellow
will be appointed for two years contingent on a successful annual review.

For further details and to apply online, visit

Applications will be reviewed as they are received, until positions are
filled. For additional questions regarding the program, please contact
Andres Clarens, Professor and ERI Associate Director (aclarens at virginia.edu
).  For additional questions regarding the advertised climate dynamics
project on regional hydroclimate changes, please contact either Kevin Grise
(kmg3r at virginia.edu) or Kathleen Schiro (kschiro at virginia.edu).
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