[ES_JOBS_NET] Emissions Inventory Specialist needed at Washington State Dept. of Ecology

Herron-Thorpe, Farren (ECY) fher461 at ECY.WA.GOV
Wed Jun 23 16:16:56 MDT 2021

We are recruiting for an Emissions Inventory Specialist (Environmental Specialist 3) within the Air Quality Program's Science & Engineering Section here in Ecology's Lacey office. You can find details of the position here<https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/washington/jobs/3124688/emissions-inventory-specialist-environmental-specialist-3?department%5b0%5d=Dept.%20of%20Ecology&sort=PostingDate%7CDescending&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs>.

If this sounds like the right fit for you, please apply! If you know someone who may be interested, please forward this email to let them know about the opportunity.

We'll be reviewing applications after the first couple weeks .The position is open until filled.

Thank you

- Farren L. Herron-Thorpe
Modeling & Emissions Inventory Scientist
WA Dept. of Ecology<https://ecology.wa.gov/> - Air Quality Program<https://ecology.wa.gov/Air-Climate/Air-quality/Air-quality-targets/Air-emissions-inventory>
P: (360) 407-7658     M: (360) 489-5575

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