[ES_JOBS_NET] Project Coordinator at Uppsala University, Sweden

Gabriele Messori gabriele.messori15 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 13 04:39:40 MST 2021

Project Coordinator

Uppsala University, Sweden

There is an exciting opening for a project coordinator at the Dept. of
Earth Sciences, Uppsala University. The start date is flexible and the
position is for 12 months, with possibility of extension. Do not hesitate
to contact me (gabriele.messori at geo.uu.se) or Prof. Giuliano Di Baldassarre
(giuliano.dibaldassarre at geo.uu.se) should you have any questions. Deadline
for applications is currently the *25th January.*

*Further details and application form here: *


*The position*

This position covers a variety of tasks across the Centre of Natural
Hazards and Disaster Science (CNDS, www.cnds.se) and the European Weather
Extremes: Drivers, Predictability and Impacts consortium (EDIPI,
www.edipi-itn.eu). Over the course of the employment, on average 60% of the
time will be devoted to CNDS tasks and 40% to EDIPI tasks.


To qualify for this position you need to have a Master’s degree or
equivalent, and experience of working in research environments.
Well-documented administrative capabilities, including documented
experience of working with web publishing and text production on the web
with good knowledge of InfoGlue, Wordpress or similar publishing tools.
Furthermore, fluency in English (and preferably in Swedish), both spoken
and written, is required.

*The department*

Uppsala University is a comprehensive research-intensive university with a
strong international standing. The Department of Earth Sciences is one of
the most complete such academic departments in Europe. Our research focuses
on subjects that range from the Earth’s core to the atmosphere, on scales
from submicroscopic structures in minerals to the formation of mountains
and oceans. We have teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels. Please
visit: https://www.geo.uu.se/ <https://www.geo.uu.se/?languageId=1> for
more information about the department.

*Dr. Gabriele Messori* | Docent and Associate Professor in Meteorology
| Department
of Earth Sciences | Uppsala University | Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, 752 36,
Uppsala | *www.gmessori.eu <http://www.gmessori.eu>* |
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