[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral Position in Atmospheric Science at Brookhaven National Laboratory

Kuang, Chongai ckuang at bnl.gov
Wed Dec 15 13:11:59 MST 2021

Job Link: https://jobs.bnl.gov/job/upton/postdoctoral-research-associate-atmospheric-scientist/3437/19297147872

The Aerosol Chemistry & Microphysics Group of the Environmental and Climate Sciences Department seeks a Postdoctoral Research Associate to advance understanding of the atmospheric boundary layer dynamics that control the spatial distribution and timing of new particle formation - the formation of new aerosol from gas-phase precursors. The ideal candidate will have a strong interest in aerosol instrument development, observational field deployments, and the synthesis of observational data sets of atmospheric boundary layer dynamics and aerosol properties.  This position has a high level of interaction with an international and multicultural scientific community.

If you would like further information about this position, please contact Dr. Chongai Kuang (ckuang at bnl.gov<mailto:ckuang at bnl.gov>).
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