[ES_JOBS_NET] USRA Earth Science / Remote Sensing and Modeling

Emily Berndt berndteb at gmail.com
Wed Aug 25 10:23:40 MDT 2021

The USRA Science and Technology Institute (STI) in Huntsville, AL, seeks a
Scientist to conduct Earth Science research using numerical models and
geophysical satellite observations in such fields as hydrologic streamflow
modeling, data assimilation, machine learning, and data processing.

Scientist, Earth Science position - Recruitment (adp.com)

The scientist will use data from NASA and other research and operational
satellites on a range of potential projects spanning hydrologic modeling to
satellite and meteorological analysis including: (1) improving hydrological
forecasts in the WRF-Hydro streamflow model though satellite data
assimilation, (2) development of machine learning-based tools to estimate
hydrological parameters from satellite observations (e.g., SWOT); (3)
developing and refining satellite imagery products such as multispectral
composites, and/or (4) feature detection (e.g., dust, fog, smoke) in
satellite imagery through machine learning techniques. The preferred
candidate should be able to express some expertise in more than one of
these areas and may be expected to support development in any of the
activities listed above.   The scientist will support the NASA Short-term
Prediction Research and Transition (SPoRT) center at Marshall Space Flight
Center and participate in proposals for new research funding, presenting
results at conferences, and publishing manuscripts. SPoRT is a NASA project
to transition unique observations and research capabilities to the
operational weather community to improve short-term forecasts on a regional
scale (https://weather.msfc.nasa.gov/sport/).

Emily  Berndt
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