[ES_JOBS_NET] Earth and Environmental Sciences Jobs Spreadsheet

Geo Jobs geo.facjobs at gmail.com
Wed Aug 4 12:52:47 MDT 2021

*The 2021-2022 Earth and Environmental Sciences Jobs Spreadsheet is now


Direct link

This is a crowd-sourced list of academic and research-oriented jobs in the
earth and environmental science fields. There are separate tabs for Tenure
Track/Permanent Positions, NTT Faculty, Postdocs, and Graduate Student
Positions. We encourage you to add any jobs that you might come across or
be on hiring committees for! The more people contribute, the more
comprehensive and useful a resource this will be! In 2020-2021, we had 270+
Tenure Track positions, 70+ NTT jobs, and 140 postdoc positions listed. The
graduate student page was added late in the year, and we hope to have it
equally well populated this time around!

This spring, we moved to a permanent URL hosted by the Earth Science
Women's Network
<https://eswnonline.org/online/earth-and-environmental-science-jobs/>, and
also established a partnership with Geosciences Educations and Mentorship
Support <https://gems-program.org/>. GEMS is co-moderating the Graduate
Student Positions <https://gems-program.org/open-grad-positions> portion of
the list - thanks to them for their support!

Rules for use:

   - Be respectful
   - Do not delete comments
   - Use the mod flag in the last column of each spreadsheet to alert us to
   any issues. This can include updates to due dates and links, as well as
   issues with comments
   - Any offensive comments or comments that may reveal someone's identity
   may be removed, at the discretion of the moderators
   - This is a place to share information, not a place for long
   discussions. Please keep comments specific to particular postings
   - The moderators add jobs to the Faculty pages, but we rely on YOU, the
   community, to help! Please add any job that you see that hasn't already
   been included
   - Postdoc and graduate student jobs are purely crowd-sourced - the
   moderators don't take any responsibility for making it a comprehensive list
   - Jobs are English-language only. The moderators don't speak other
   languages with enough fluency to be able to check on the
   appropriateness/accuracy of listings, if there's an issue
   - Graduate student positions are restricted to North America
   - Please do not include updates to search status on graduate student

If you have any questions or concerns, I can be reached at
geo.facjobs at gmail.com or on Twitter @earth_jobs. Please share this list
widely with any and all of your professional networks who might find it

Best of luck to all of this year's applicants!
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