[ES_JOBS_NET] atmospheric chemistry postdoc position @ MIT

Colette L. Heald heald at mit.edu
Thu Apr 1 07:02:54 MDT 2021

Colette Heald to investigate atmospheric reactive organic carbon (ROC) 
and OH reactivity. This project will make use of the GEOS-Chem model and 
observations from recent field campaigns in Europe and North America. 
The candidate will join a diverse research group at MIT which studies 
the composition and chemistry of the global atmosphere and the 
interactions of these with air quality and climate (healdgroup.mit.edu). 
Major goals and responsibilities of the position include investigating 
the observational constraints on ROC and OH reactivity, exploring and 
improving how this lifecycle is described in the GEOS-Chem, and 
presenting results at scientific conferences and preparing papers for 
scholarly journals.

REQUIREMENTS: a PhD in atmospheric science, engineering, physics, 
chemistry, or related field, experience with global or regional modeling 
of atmospheric chemistry, highly effective oral and written 
communication skills, and the ability to work as part of a research team.

The position has an anticipated start date between September 1, 2021 and 
January 1, 2022, but timing is negotiable. Initial appointment is for 
one year, with possible renewal for second year depending upon 
performance. Additional details about the position are available by 
contacting Professor Colette Heald at heald at mit.edu.

In addition to applying online <https://tinyurl.com/mitpostdocheald>, 
applicants should send a single pdf including cover letter, CV, and 
contact information for 3 references directly to Professor Heald. 
Applicants will be reviewed as received; applications received after 
June 28, 2021 will not be considered.


Colette L. Heald, Professor

(she/her/hers) What is this? <https://www.mypronouns.org/what-and-why>

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science

MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139

heald at mit.edu | https://www.healdgroupmit.com/ 
<https://www.healdgroupmit.com/> | tel: 617-324-5666

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