[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD opportunity in Atmospheric Chemistry at the University of Miami

Cassandra Gaston cassandra.gaston at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 12:57:22 MDT 2020

The laboratory of Dr. Cassandra Gaston is looking for a *PhD student in
Atmospheric Chemistry for Fall 2021*. The PhD student will participate in
both laboratory and field studies with the goal of understanding how
reactions between atmospheric particles and trace gases contribute to poor
wintertime urban air quality. The student will have the opportunity to work
closely with postdocs, other graduate students, and undergraduates working
on this project and other related projects.

The successful candidate should have: (1) a college degree in the physical,
chemical, or environmental sciences, (2) completed coursework in analytical
techniques, and (3) a strong interest in atmospheric chemistry, aerosols,
and air quality.

If you are interested, please email Dr. Cassandra Gaston (email:
cgaston at rsmas.miami.edu) and apply to the PhD program in the Department of
Atmospheric Sciences at RSMAS (
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