[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD studentships at the University of St Andrews in Climate Dynamics
Michael Byrne
mpb20 at st-andrews.ac.uk
Wed Nov 18 06:19:13 MST 2020
The Climate Dynamics Lab at the University of St Andrews is advertising three projects as part of the NERC IAPETUS2 Doctoral Training Partnership:
1. Future of Continental Heatwaves<https://www.iapetus2.ac.uk/studentships/continental-heatwaves-in-a-changing-climate/> (Supervisor: Dr Michael Byrne<https://sites.google.com/tcd.ie/michaelbyrne/home?authuser=0>)
2. Monsoon Dynamics in a Changing Climate<https://www.iapetus2.ac.uk/studentships/monsoon-dynamics-in-a-changing-climate-2/> (Supervisor: Dr Michael Byrne<https://sites.google.com/tcd.ie/michaelbyrne/home?authuser=0>)
3. Volcanoes and Climate: novel simulations to probe fundamental processes<https://www.iapetus2.ac.uk/studentships/volcanoes-and-climate-novel-simulations-to-probe-fundamental-interactions/> (Supervisors: Dr Michael Byrne<https://sites.google.com/tcd.ie/michaelbyrne/home?authuser=0> and Dr Andrea Burke<https://risweb.st-andrews.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/andrea-burke(c8a790cd-9091-47dc-ad47-45279cb78fc5).html>)
Named after the ancient ocean that closed to bring together England and Scotland, IAPETUS2 is a partnership that joins the leading research universities of Durham, Glasgow, Heriot Watt, Newcastle, St Andrews and Stirling, together with the British Antarctic Survey, British Geological Survey and the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, in a united approach to doctoral research and training the next generation of leaders in the science of the natural environment.
For further details about the programme please see: https://www.iapetus2.ac.uk
For eligible successful applicants, the studentships comprises:
* A stipend for 3.5 years (currently £15,285 p.a.)
* Payment of university tuition fees
* A research budget of £10,000 for attending conferences, workshops and other research expenses
To discuss the above projects, please email Dr Michael Byrne (mpb20 at st-andrews.ac.uk).
Michael P. Byrne, Ph.D.
Lecturer in Earth & Environmental Sciences – University of St Andrews
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow – University of Oxford
email: mpb20 at st-andrews.ac.uk<mailto:mpb20 at st-andrews.ac.uk> or michael.byrne at physics.ox.ac.uk<mailto:michael.byrne at physics.ox.ac.uk>
web: Climate Dynamics Lab<https://sites.google.com/tcd.ie/michaelbyrne/home?authuser=0>
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