[ES_JOBS_NET] Report on the Environment Development and Analysis Internship with EPA

McVey, Lakin Lakin.McVey at orau.org
Mon Nov 16 06:51:57 MST 2020


ORISE is currently accepting applications for the following research opportunity at the EPA!

Report on the Environment Development and Analysis Internship
Washington, DC | DEADLINE: December 29, 2020
Research Project: Throughout the course of this project, the research participant will engage in human-centered design (HCD) and social science related research to develop regionally relevant indicators for a Mid-Atlantic ROE. This research will be conducted in collaboration with EPA Region 3, states, and communities. The Mid-Atlantic ROE will offer indicators, visualizations, and/or analytics of regional importance. The research participant will also contribute to assessments of existing Brownfields projects including analyses of existing data and redevelopment and reuse options, and will develop process-oriented outreach materials.
Under the guidance of a mentor, specific research training activities may include learning about:

  *   Designing and implementing HCD workshops with regional, state, community and local partners to explore user needs
  *   Assessing regional needs and priorities for indicators, visualizations, analytics, economic development, and regional planning
  *   Conducting prototype development and testing with stakeholders
  *   Contributing to sections of other highly influential science assessments
  *   Preparing peer-reviewed manuscripts, reports, presentations, and outreach materials
Learning Objectives: The research participant will benefit by learning and practicing HCD approaches for developing new indicator products and Brownfields outreach materials. The research participant will have the opportunity to be involved in qualitative or quantitative analyses of scientific data and the visualization and presentation of highly influential datasets. The participant will gain an understanding of how scientific evidence is used to inform EPA decision-making processes. The research participant will collaborate with scientific staff in CPHEA, Region 3, Region 2, states, and communities.


VIEW ALL OF OUR CURRENT OPPORTUNITES<https://orau.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2582f9d90728dfa103df1fbd0&id=a7758c82c4&e=3a816fc607>
The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Internship/Research Participation Programs at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are educational and training programs designed to provide college students, recent graduates, and university faculty opportunities to participate in project-specific EPA research, current environmental research, and developmental activities.






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