[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral Scholar, Division of Environmental Health Sciences at the School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley

Christine Wiedinmyer christine.wiedinmyer.ucar at gmail.com
Tue Mar 17 09:17:41 MDT 2020



Next review date: Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)
Apply by this date to ensure full consideration by the committee.

Final date: Tuesday, Apr 14, 2020 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)
Applications will continue to be accepted until this date, but those
received after the review date will only be considered if the position has
not yet been filled.


Position: Postdoctoral Scholar - Employee
Location: University of California, Berkeley, CA
Salary: Commensurate with experience
Target State date: April 2020

The Division of Environmental Health Sciences at the School of Public Health
at the University of California, Berkeley seeks applications for a
Postdoctoral Scholar-Employee, in the area of remote sensing, exposure
assessment, and environmental health, at full-time with an expected start
date of April 2020.

The Postdoc would join an exciting new project investigating on-road vehicle
emissions of criteria pollutants from tailpipes and trace metals from
non-tailpipe sources, and their impacts on daily respiratory disease
symptoms in California. Funded by the California Air Resources Board (CARB),
collaborators from the University of California, Berkeley (PI Dr. Jason Su
and key investigator Dr. John Balmes) and Propeller Health (PI Dr. Meredith
Barrett) will work collaboratively to investigate 1) the temporal and
spatial patterns of inhaled medication use, collected by digital sensors, 2)
associated activity space for participants across California, and 3)
associations of inhaled medication use with tailpipe and non-tailpipe
vehicle emissions. Daily linear mixed-effects land-use regression models
will be developed through incorporating a comprehensive data source
including remote sensing data, land use and land cover data, traffic and
pollen data, criteria air pollutants, trace metals, stationary sources of
emissions, highway pavement conditions data, and hourly and daily weather
data. In health outcome modeling, both traditional environmental
epidemiology models (e.g., linear mixed models) and advanced machine
learning models (e.g., random forest models) will be used in the modeling
process and compared with prediction powers. The results of this project
will help CARB characterize the health effects of its regulatory programs,
and help identify disproportionately exposed communities and their related
sources. More importantly, it will also provide the information needed to
include respiratory disease symptoms as a new endpoint for CARB's health
analyses in its regulatory processes.

The Postdoctoral Scholar would also contribute to a number of technical
areas related to air pollution science, exposure science, epidemiology, and
environmental health. Examples of technical areas where highly qualified
candidates might contribute include:

*	Knowledge in acquiring and processing land use, land cover, weather
and traffic data from various sources for use in land-use regression model
*	Analyzing daily and hourly traffic data from the California
Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Performance Measurement System
*	Linking traffic or other data to temporal environmental data layers
through R or Python programming;
*	Developing daily land-use regression models through R or Python
*	Carrying out random forest modeling, implementing
deletion/substitution/addition algorithms or performing mixed-effects
*	Analyzing respiratory symptom data through R or Python programming;
*	Identifying time and location of environmental triggers;
*	Modeling environmental triggers of respiratory symptoms through both
traditional linear mixed models and machine learning techniques, such as
random forest modeling techniques. Basic qualifications (at time of
application): advanced degree or enrolled in an advanced degree program.

Basic qualification (at time of application):

*	Ph.D. (or equivalent international degree, or enrolled in a Ph.D.
(or equivalent international degree) granting program at the time of

Preferred qualifications:

*	Ph.D. in air pollution science, exposure science, epidemiology, or
environmental health.
*	Experience in acquiring and processing remote sensing data such as
tropospheric column densities of NO2 from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument
(OMI), Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) data from the Multiangle Implementation
of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) algorithm, and ozone data from the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Weather
*	Previous experience with remote sensing data analysis skills
includes but is not limited to satellite data orthorectification, filling
data gaps through temporal convolution with Gaussian kernels, and developing
linear and non-linear mixed prediction models for days without effective

This position is full-time for a one-year term with the possibility of
renewal, contingent on performance and availability of funding. The total
duration of an individual's postdoctoral service may not exceed five years
including postdoctoral service at other institutions.

Salary commensurate with experience.

To apply, please go to the following link:

The position will remain open until filled.

Please direct questions to Dr. Jason Su at jasonsu at berkeley.edu.

Letters of reference may be solicited for finalists. All letters will be
treated as confidential per University of California policy and California
state law. Please refer potential referees, including when letters are
provided via a third party (i.e., dossier service or career center), to the
UC Berkeley statement of confidentiality
(http://apo.berkeley.edu/evalltr.html(link is external)) prior to submitting
their letters.

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment
without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender
identity, national origin, disability, age or protected veteran status. For
the complete University of California nondiscrimination and affirmative
action, policy see:
http://policy.ucop.edu/doc/4000376/NondiscrimAffirmAct(link is external).

UC Postdocs are exclusively represented by the United Auto Workers Local

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are core values at UC Berkeley and The
School of Public Health. Our excellence can only be fully realized by
faculty, students, and staff who share our commitment to these values.
Successful candidates for our academic positions will demonstrate evidence
of a commitment to advancing equity and inclusion.

Job location

Berkelely, CA


Document requirements

*	Curriculum Vitae - Your most recently updated C.V.
*	Statement of Research
*	Publication - 2 publication samples
*	Cover Letter

Reference requirements

*	3 required (contact information only)


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