[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD studentships in Sea-level and Coastal Change at the University of Hong Kong

Nicole Khan nskhan at hku.hk
Wed Nov 6 00:16:48 MST 2019

The Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Hong Kong is seeking
a highly motivated and enthusiastic PhD student to join the research group
of Dr. Nicole Khan (www.sealevelchangelab.com). The research group uses
sedimentary, microfossil and geochemical indicators to produce and
synthesize records of present and past sea levels, storms, and floods, and
their extent of geological and ecological impacts. These records provide
means to assess future risk, reveal the spatial and temporal variability of
coastal inundation and decipher the relationship of these events to global
climatic changes.

Potential research topics include (but are not limited to): 1) Producing
new, high-resolution records of relative sea-level change from tropical,
sub-tropical, and temperature locations using microfossil (e.g.,
foraminifera, diatoms, pollen), geochemical (e.g., stable carbon isotopes),
or novel (e.g., DNA signatures) proxies; 2) Developing sea-level databases
spanning the Last Glacial Maximum to present to reveal spatio-temporal
patterns and mechanisms of past relative sea-level change, particularly on
Chinese, Australian, African, and Scandinavian coastlines; and 3) Deciphering
mechanisms of paleoenvironmental change and carbon storage in coastal

The student will receive a competitive salary and full tuition
support. Successful applicants will be supported in their application to
the Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship Scheme (HKPF;
<https://cerg1.ugc.edu.hk/hkpfs/index.html>*) and will have the chance to
join the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Hong Kong,
ranked 41st in the field of Earth and Marine Sciences by the 2019 QS World
University Subject Ranking. HKU is recognized internationally as a dynamic
and comprehensive university of world-class standing. With its
distinguished excellence in research and outstanding performance in
teaching, it attracts first-class teaching and research staff and brilliant
students from around the world. More information about graduate study at
HKU can be found here:

Interested applicants should the following materials to Dr. Nicole Khan at
nskhan at hku.hk before the 15th of November 2019:

   - a cover letter outlining their research interests and relevant
   - their CV (including the name of at least 3 references)
   - transcripts

Applicants for whom English is not the first language, or who have not
undertaken their degree studies with English as the language of
instruction, must attain a satisfactory English language test score
(TOEFL), as described here:

In addition, postdoctoral positions are available through the HKU
Presidential postdoctoral fellowship (
https://www.hku.hk/research/hku-ppf.html) and/or the RGC postdoctoral
fellowship scheme (
Applicants with research interests in the themes described above should
also be in contact to discuss preparation of the proposal to either of
these fellowship schemes.
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