[ES_JOBS_NET] DOE - Federal Program Manager - Earth and Environmental Systems Modeling

McFarlane, Sally Sally.McFarlane at science.doe.gov
Fri May 31 05:53:28 MDT 2019

DOE's Office of Biological and Environmental Research is hiring a federal manager for the Earth and Environmental Systems Modeling program. A successful candidate in this position will serve as the physical scientist responsible for enhancing predictive modeling capabilities, through the incorporation of advanced parameterizations, adaptive mesh grids, improved physics, and software as part of Earth and Environmental system models within the Climate and Environmental Sciences Division (CESD).

As a PHYSICAL SCIENTIST (Earth and Environmental Systems Modeling), a successful candidate will:
*             Serve as a recognized technical authority and expert in Earth and Environmental System modeling, including internationally recognized scientific knowledge of at least one of the following system components: atmospheric, ocean, terrestrial, and cryosphere.
*             Serve as an expert and consultant to other scientists engaged in Earth and Environmental Systems modeling science, and senior management in areas of assigned responsibility.
*             Serve as a Program Manager determining scientific focus and direction of the Earth and Environmental Systems Modeling research program.
*             Examines and ascertains pioneering research needs and opportunities of the Earth and Environmental Systems Modeling program against scientific and technological advances and of potential needs of the DOE.
*             Evaluate contractor, DOE laboratory, and grantee research proposals and performance via own scientific and technical judgment, merit review, site visits and reviews, and panel reviews

This position is a federal position at GS-14 or GS-15 level, depending upon qualifications, and the duty location is in Germantown, Maryland. The announcement is posted on the USAJobs.gov website<https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/534872100>. Applicants must possess U.S. citizenship and apply by June 6, 2019.


Sally McFarlane
Program Manager, Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM)
Climate and Environmental Sciences Division
Office of Biological and Environmental Research
SC-23.1 / Germantown Building
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20585
Tel. 301-903-0943
email: sally.mcfarlane at science.doe.gov

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