[ES_JOBS_NET] Asst. Prof. Robotics, Sensors & Mfg. in Sustainable Ag. at the Univ. of Minnesota

Susan Seltz seltz043 at umn.edu
Mon Dec 2 07:32:04 MST 2019

The Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering at the University
of Minnesota seeks candidates for a tenure-track academic position at the
assistant professor level with 50% teaching and 50% research
responsibilities to develop a collaborative, internationally recognized
research program in the areas of sensing and robotics in sustainable
agriculture and environmental management. This academic position is under
the auspices of the University of Minnesota MnDRIVE initiative for
Robotics, Sensing, and Advanced Manufacturing.

For the full position description and application details, visit the
employment site: https://humanresources.umn.edu/content/find-job. Search
for *Job ID 334321. *
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