CEDAR email: 2024 CEDAR workshop on Future Coordinated Space- and Ground-based ITM Observations and Modeling

Rowland, Doug {he, him} (GSFC-6750) douglas.e.rowland at nasa.gov
Mon May 20 09:41:56 MDT 2024

Members of the CEDAR Community:

Please consider attending and presenting your work in the 2024 CEDAR workshop on Future Coordinated Space- and Ground-based ITM Observations and Modeling. The workshop session will be held on Tuesday, 11 June 1000-1200 PT, immediately after the morning plenary and break.

The proposed sessions “Planning coordinated observations of ionosphere, thermosphere, and mesosphere from space and ground” and “A Systematic perspective of geospace modeling and observations” have been combined into a single session.

We invite presentations on current and upcoming observations and campaigns, modeling studies, data analyses, data and model validations, and OSSE experiments that include but are not limited to:

  1.  How to best leverage existing ground- and space-based observations to maximize science return for the ionosphere, thermosphere, and mesosphere (ITM) research;
  2.  What insights have we gained to develop a future long-range plan of a coordinated observing system of ITM from both space and ground?
  3.  quantifying energy and momentum inputs to and effects on the upper atmosphere under disturbed solar irradiance and solar wind conditions such as solar flare, eclipse, interplanetary shocks, high speed streams, and coronal mass ejections, and from lower atmospheric waves including gravity waves, tides and planetary waves
  4.  investigating regional and global mesoscale and large-scale processes generated in the thermosphere and ionosphere under such conditions and the cross-scale coupling between these processes
  5.  understanding the global propagation and evolution of thermosphere and ionosphere structures of multiple temporospatial scales such as traveling atmospheric disturbances (TADs) and traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs)
  6.  comparing model and data, revealing model-data discrepancy, and guiding model improvement.

Wenbin Wang (wbwang at ucar.edu<mailto:wbwang at ucar.edu>)
Doug Rowland (douglas.e.rowland at nasa.gov<mailto:douglas.e.rowland at nasa.gov>)
Mike Wiltberger
Dong Lin
Yue Deng
Guiping Liu
Bea Gallardo-Lacourt
Scott England
Oluwafisayo Owolabi

Douglas Rowland (he/him)
Project Scientist, Geospace Dynamics Constellation
Code 675
Building 21, Room 269
Heliophysics Science Division
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771
email: D<mailto:Douglas.E.Rowland at nasa.gov>ouglas.E.Rowland at nasa.gov<mailto:douglas.e.rowland at nasa.gov>

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