CEDAR email: Job Opening, Research opportunities in Space Physics at LASP, University of Colorado Boulder

Marcin Pilinski Marcin.Pilinski at lasp.colorado.edu
Mon May 20 10:08:00 MDT 2024

JOB OPENING: Research Scientist in Space Physics at LASP, University of Colorado Boulder

The Space Plasma Group at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP), University of Colorado, Boulder (CU) invites applications for Research Scientists in Space Physics at a ranking of Research Scientist I or II (RS-I, RS-2).

The research project is focused on research utilizing in-situ spacecraft data with a focus on plasma physics in the unmagnetized environment of Mars. This is a position within the Langmuir Probe and Waves (LPW) team and will make use of electron density and temperature data from the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) mission. Responsibilities will also include the publication of scientific results based on MAVEN LPW data and the dissemination of those results at scientific conferences.

For more details please see how to share and view the posting<http://colorado.avature.net/ltrk/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6MzA3MTUxLCJoYXNoIjoiMzVhOTljMDMxN2U2MWQ0MDAwZGY5OGYyM2Q5OWQxOWYyMWI1MTM1N2I0MGZhM2FiYmM4YTM1NjA5YjliYzk4OCJ9.-kXv5MCkgt-YfZZIKsRXB_1LFBU0koYdP-YV-c8m3Wk>
Contact Marcin Pilinski for questions regarding this posting at marcin.pilinski at lasp.colorado.edu

Marcin Pilinski
Research Associate
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
University of Colorado
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