CEDAR email: Invitation to Participate in EZIE Session at CEDAR 2024

Andrew Pepper ampeppe at g.clemson.edu
Fri May 17 07:05:02 MDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

We’re convening a session (details
)  at the CEDAR 2024 Workshop to encourage collaboration with the upcoming
NASA EZIE mission, set to launch in October 2024.

Our session will focus on developing collaboration through concise
presentations (up to 3 slides) from experts, followed by an extended
discussion period. The goal is to spark debate about the new scientific
questions that EZIE observations can address, explore possible
collaborations, and discuss data product validation strategies.

For more information about EZIE please visit this link.

If you'd like to present or know of a student who would, please contact
Rafael (Rafael.Mesquita at jhuapl.edu), Andrew (ampeppe at clemson.edu) or Astrid
(astrid.maute at noaa.gov).

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you at CEDAR. Best regards,
Rafael, Astrid, and Andrew
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