CEDAR email: CEDAR GC Workshop on wave coupling and the weather-space weather connection.

Jens Oberheide joberhe at clemson.edu
Thu May 16 11:00:37 MDT 2024

Dear CEDAR colleagues,

Please consider participating in the new CEDAR Grand Challenge Workshop https://cedarscience.org/workshop/2024-workshop-impact-terrestrial-weather-space-weather-itm “Impact of Terrestrial Weather on the Space Weather of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Mesosphere”. This year (year 1), the workshop will focus on observational and modeling baselines. Of particular interest are vertical coupling processes (wave-induced and other) that alter the ITM state in multiple ways, including their influence on structure, composition, circulation, and electrodynamics.

The two workshop slots are Monday 13:30-15:30 and Wednesday 10-12. If you are interested in presenting, please send me a short email joberhe at clemson.edu <mailto:joberhe at clemson.edu> with a title and an informal 1-2 sentences description. 

On behalf of the conveners,
Jens Oberheide

Jens Oberheide, PhD
Dpt. of Physics and Astronomy
Clemson University

103 Kinard Laboratory
Clemson, SC 29634-0978
w 864.656.5163
http://globaldynamics.sites.clemson.edu <http://globaldynamics.sites.clemson.edu/>

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