CEDAR email: Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate Opens a Topical Issue on Severe Space Weather Events of May 2024 and Their Impacts: Deadline 28th Feb 2025

Jaroslav Urbář urbar at ufa.cas.cz
Tue Jun 25 03:05:41 MDT 2024

Dear CEDAR community,

we are pleased to announce that the Topical Issue (TI) on "Severe Space 
Weather Events of May 2024 and Their Impacts" is now available and open 
for submissions at the Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 
(JSWSC) site:

This topical issue welcomes submissions focusing on these events, across 
various domains which include, but are not limited to, observations, 
simulations/modeling, and impacts, that cover all aspects of these 
severe space weather events throughout the first half of May 2024.

Accepted papers are published upon review and acceptance, without 
waiting for the other papers, and are freely available to everyone via 
the JSWSC website.

Apologies if you have already received this notice by other posts.

Best regards,
Jaroslav Urbář, Mateja Dumbovic, Lauri Holappa, Paolo Romano, Iulia 
Chifu, Jens Berdermann, Stefan Hofmeister and Miroslav Hanzelka

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