CEDAR email: AGU FALL Meeting 2022 session: SA011 “Use of ground-based observations and integrated networks to study large-scale phenomena in the thermosphere-ionosphere system: Current results and future opportunities”

Rafael Luiz Araujo de Mesquita rafael.mesquita at jhuapl.edu
Mon Jul 11 12:31:23 MDT 2022

Dear CEDAR community,


Please consider submitting abstracts for the AGU FALL Meeting 2022 session: SA011 “Use of ground-based observations and integrated networks to study large-scale phenomena in the thermosphere-ionosphere system: Current results and future opportunities”


Understanding the underlying physics responsible for mid-to-large scale (>1000 km) and interhemispheric phenomena in Earth’s thermosphere-ionosphere system has proven challenging due to a relative lack of coordinate measurements and modeling results at the appropriate scales. Recent advances in relatively low-cost and/or mass-deployable instrumentation, and advances in modeling capabilities, are close to solving this challenge. We invite results from current experimental and modeling studies that address mid-to-large scale and interhemispheric phenomena in thermosphere-ionosphere system, especially those that integrate the two. Also of interest are contributions that highlight potential collaborations between modeling and ground-based observing networks, by discussing the necessary measurements to address these phenomena (e.g., interhemispheric neutral dynamics, traveling ionospheric disturbances, equatorial and auroral electrojets, etc.) from a modeling standpoint. Contributions can address the minimum requirements to observe these phenomena including the extension of measurements to locations difficult to access (e.g., oceangoing autonomous surface vehicles, the development/expansion of land-based networks, etc).


The deadline for all submissions is Wednesday, 3 August 2022 at 23:59 EDT. 


Best regards,

Rafael Mesquita, Jonathan Makela, Igo Paulino, Jesper Gjerloev.

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