CEDAR email: Active Experiments Session at AGU 2021 Fall Meeting

GENTILE, LOUISE C DR-03 USAF AFMC AFRL/RVBXC louise.gentile.1 at us.af.mil
Tue Jul 27 13:32:17 MDT 2021

CEDAR Community,

We encourage your participation in Session SA016:  NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR ACTIVE EXPERIMENTS IN THE IONOSPHERE at the AGU 2021 Fall Meeting.

Session Description:  Despite recent advances, there is still much to learn about the dynamics of plasma interactions in the ionosphere.  To address this challenge, new technologies are being developed and tested to create and monitor ionospheric phenomena.  Artificial plasma regions can be created through chemical releases or HF heating.  Particle beams emitted from satellites can induce upper atmosphere phenomena that are not often observed in the natural environment.  High-power HF radio waves may generate artificial aurora or airglow, form HF-enhanced plasma and ion lines observed with radar, or create plasma density irregularities and scintillation that affect radio propagation.  Some effects may be replicated or first discovered in laboratory plasmas.  This session will share recent results, explore these new technologies, and encourage collaborations to advance the state of the art in active ionosphere experiments.

Thank you.

Christopher Fallen and Louise Gentile
Air Force Research Laboratory

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