CEDAR email: Invitation to 2021 VGEM SCIMM Focus Group Activities
Ferradas Alva, Cristian (GSFC-6730)[CATHOLIC UNIV OF AMERICA]
cristian.ferradasalva at nasa.gov
Tue Jul 6 12:58:44 MDT 2021
Dear Colleagues,
The GEM Focus Group (FG) ‘Self-Consistent Inner Magnetosphere Modeling’ will have two sessions at this year's Virtual GEM Workshop on Tuesday July 27th, 2021. The two sessions will focus on:
- Session 1: Ring Current Dynamics (Tuesday July 27th, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EDT)
This session will focus on the transport, energization, loss, and composition of the ring current ions and electrons, and the associated variations in electric and magnetic fields. We welcome presentations of research related to the ring current dynamics through numerical modeling and satellite observations.
- Session 2: Wave-Particle Interactions (Tuesday July 27th, 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm EDT)
This session will focus on wave-particle interactions in the ring current, which drive the excitation of plasma waves, and the scattering or heating of thermal, suprathermal and energetic ions and electrons. We solicit talks of both modeling and observational works.
Also, this year we are excited to launch our FG challenges. Several workshops earlier this year, such as Helio2050 and the Van Allen Probes mission legacy workshop, have set the scene by identifying key aspects of inner magnetosphere research that we must address as a community to move our field forward. Key topics include: understanding the relative contribution of the solar wind, cusp, and nightside auroral ion sources to the ring current, incorporating micro-scale wave-particle interactions in global ring current models, realistically characterizing bursty bulk flows (BBFs) during storm times to assess the rapid ring current development on short time scales, and understanding how magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling affects the inner magnetospheric electric field through changes in ionospheric conductivity and neutral winds.
We envision the challenges to take the form of storm case studies focusing on one or several of the topics mentioned above. Some potential storm events are: the May 27-30 2017, September 6-12 2017, and August 25-30 2018 storms.
We invite the community to participate in our FG activities for this year’s VGEM in the following ways:
1. Presenting research results relevant to the topics of one or both sessions. For both sessions, we solicit 8-10 min talks.
2. Providing input or suggestions on the research focus and/or the selection of events for the FG challenges. We will announce the FG challenges after this year’s VGEM.
Please contact Cristian Ferradas (cristian.ferradasalva at nasa.gov<mailto:cristian.ferradasalva at nasa.gov>) and Chao Yue (yuechao at pku.edu.cn<mailto:yuechao at pku.edu.cn>) to submit contributed talks and provide input regarding the FG challenges. We will list the contributed talks and details of the sessions on the FG website at https://gem.epss.ucla.edu/mediawiki/index.php/FG:_Self-Consistent_Inner_Magnetospheric_Modeling<https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgem.epss.ucla.edu%2Fmediawiki%2Findex.php%2FFG%3A_Self-Consistent_Inner_Magnetospheric_Modeling&data=02%7C01%7Ccpi66%40wildcats.unh.edu%7Cd97d470da3eb488e151308d8228a5f7c%7Cd6241893512d46dc8d2bbe47e25f5666%7C0%7C0%7C637297325004325609&sdata=erwnnZMUG0%2F8xtvyYzDGCVaGRqY1Yqa8DKH37SIawnM%3D&reserved=0>.
Kind regards,
The SCIMM FG conveners (Chao Yue, Qianli Ma, Jacob Bortnik, and Cristian Ferradas)
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