CEDAR email: JOB OPENING: PhD Position at DLR Institute for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Neustrelitz, Germany

Leonie.Pick at dlr.de Leonie.Pick at dlr.de
Tue Aug 10 03:46:18 MDT 2021

Dear colleagues,

the German Aerospace Center (DLR) offers a funded PhD position in space physics at the Institute for Solar-Terrestrial Physics (https://www.dlr.de/so/en/) I wish to bring to your attention.

The PhD project is proposed to start in January 2022 and focuses on the physical systematics associated with pulsating aurora based on a novel combination of observations from the northern Fenno-Scandinavian sector.

Further information on the project and the online application system can be found at: https://www.dlr.de/dlr/jobs/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-10596/1003_read-46443/.

Best regards,
Leonie Pick
German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Institute for Solar-Terrestrial Physics<https://www.dlr.de/so/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-13420/23417_read-54014/> | Department for Space Weather Impact

Kalkhorstweg 53, D-17235 Neustrelitz

Leonie Pick, PhD

Research Associate

leonie.pick at dlr.de<mailto:leonie.pick at dlr.de> | tel. +49 3981 480 279

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