CEDAR email: Item for CEDAR Newsletter

W.K. (Bill) Peterson William.Peterson at lasp.colorado.edu
Fri Apr 23 14:40:08 MDT 2021

Abstract Deadline Extended: Influence of a Global Magnetic Field on Ion and Atmospheric Loss and Planetary Habitability


Abstracts are due no later than April 30 at https://mach-center.org/workshop/.

This 3-day workshop will be held virtually on June 15-17th. Sessions will be hosted from 9am ET to 1:30pm ET, with a 30-minute break in the middle.

Topics of discussion will focus on atmospheric escape (including ion outflow) from planets and moons, and the influence of planetary magnetic fields and stellar inputs on atmospheric retention. There will be interactions between scientists representing Heliophysics, Astrophysics, Astrobiology, and Planetary Science, using observations, modeling, and theory. Topics covered will include:

  * Atmospheric escape from planets
  * Ion outflow from planets
  * Influence of magnetic fields on atmospheric escape
  * Atmospheric / ionospheric chemistry related to atmospheric escape
  * Influence of stellar outputs and their variability on atmospheric escape
  * Influence of atmospheric escape on planetary evolution
  * Influence of Ionosphere-Thermosphere coupling on atmospheric escape
  * Exoplanet atmospheric loss and star-planet interactions
  * Future challenges and connections to other scientific fields

This workshop is hosted by the MACH Center, sponsored by NASA's Heliophysics DRIVE program.

Bill Peterson and David Brain
Bill.Peterson at lasp.colorado.edu<mailto:Bill.Peterson at lasp.colorado.edu>

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