CEDAR email: Pre-Helio2050 Workshop: Magnetospheres and Atmospheres Beyond Earth

Cohen, Ian J. Ian.Cohen at jhuapl.edu
Fri Apr 23 11:16:30 MDT 2021

Dear Colleagues,

The Heliophysics 2050 Workshop<https://www.hou.usra.edu/meetings/helio2050/> is quickly approaching (May 3-7), and we are convening a pre-workshop discussion to make sure the community is being heard to guide the field over the next three decades.

A pre-workshop discussion focusing on “Magnetospheres and Atmospheres Beyond Earth” will be held on Thursday, April 29 from 1:30-3:00 PM EDT. The goal of this session is to discuss the potential scientific benefit and relevance of the Heliophysics community to study magnetospheres and atmospheres at other planetary and exoplanetary systems beyond Earth.

Please feel welcome to drop in as you can, even if you cannot attend the entire session. We strongly encourage asynchronous contribution as a way to be more inclusive, so please add your thoughts on the topics (or add new topics) at any time (https://tinyurl.com/helio2050-beyondearth). In particular, contributions to the Google document prior to the session itself will be invaluable to help provide content for the “live” discussion.

Pre-registration is requested at this link<https://forms.gle/qLAzzTK8FQqsZtZv7>, from which a Zoom link will be provided.

The structure of this meeting will be to review the Google document content and to identify and develop high-priority topics to target for further elaboration and discussion during the Helio2050 workshop itself.

Thanks very much for your consideration and I’m looking forward to these discussions!

Ian Cohen
Ian J. Cohen, Ph.D. (he/him)
Space Physicist
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
11100 Johns Hopkins Road, MS200-E254
Laurel, MD 20723
Office: 200-E278
Email: ian.cohen at jhuapl.edu
Office Phone: 240-228-1637
Cell Phone: 240-584-7261
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