CEDAR email: Triennial Earth-Sun Summit (TESS): Save the Date -- 2021 August 9-12

Craig DeForest deforest at boulder.swri.edu
Tue Oct 27 17:31:20 MDT 2020

Once every three years, AAS, AAS/SPD, and AGU/SPA meet jointly to bring together the major subfields of the Sun-Earth connection: the Sun and its corona, the heliosphere, the magnetosphere, the thermosphere, the ionosphere, and related systems.  The TESS meetings are a chance for specialists to “step back” and consider the system as a whole, stimulating cross-fertilization and new insights.

This year TESS is scheduled for 2021 August 9-12, in Bellevue/Seattle WA.  Please mark the dates on your calendar now.

In the coming weeks we will roll out the meeting website and a call for session proposals, together with a schedule for abstract and registration deadlines. 

We’ll hopefully see you next year … at TESS!

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