CEDAR email: P018 - Impacts of Cosmic Dust in Planetary Atmospheres

John Plane J.M.C.Plane at leeds.ac.uk
Thu Jun 27 09:44:17 MDT 2019

Dear Colleague,

Please consider submitting an abstract to session P018 - Impacts of Cosmic Dust in Planetary Atmospheres, at the 2019 Fall AGU Meeting to be held in San Francisco, 9-13 December 2019. The abstract submission deadline is Wednesday 31 July 2019, at 11:59 PM EDT. A description of the session is given below (see also https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm19/prelim.cgi/Session/77563).

P018 - Impacts of Cosmic Dust in Planetary Atmospheres

Recent advances in interplanetary dust measurements and modeling provide much improved estimates of the fluxes and the origin of cosmic dust particles into planetary (and lunar) atmospheres. Dust dynamics models, combined with chemical ablation models that are underpinned by laboratory studies and tested against radar and optical observations, enable the injection rates of chemical compounds (including metals and organics) into a planet's atmosphere to be predicted as a function of location and time. This information is essential for understanding a variety of atmospheric impacts, including: the formation of metallic layers, meteoric smoke particles and ice cloud nucleation on Earth and Mars; perturbations to atmospheric composition in the giant planets and their satellites; and the supply of biologically important organics, phosphorus and iron to planetary surfaces. Contributions on all aspects of this topic - observations both in interplanetary space and atmospheres, laboratory studies and modeling - are invited.

Abstracts can be submitted to https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm19/p/papers/index.cgi?sessionid=77563.


Professor John Plane
School of Chemistry
University of Leeds
Woodhouse Lane
Leeds LS2 9JT

Phone: (44)113 3438044
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