CEDAR email: AGU session 'SM025. Magnetospheric Modeling: State of the Art, Gaps, and Future Innovations'

Delzanno, Gian Luca delzanno at lanl.gov
Thu Jun 27 07:09:28 MDT 2019

Dear Colleagues,

we kindly invite contributions to the following AGU session on modeling the near-Earth space environment, which aims to assess the state of the art, gaps and future innovations that will be necessary to enable progress of the field.

Gian Luca Delzanno
Maria Kuznetsova
Dan Welling
Michael McKerns

Session Title:
SM025. Magnetospheric Modeling: State of the Art, Gaps, and Future Innovations

Session Description:
The holy grail of computational magnetospheric modeling is to resolve the microscopic/kinetic physics while capturing the macroscopic/large-scale behavior of the system. This is a formidable challenge, since it requires resolving physical phenomena occurring over spatial and temporal scales separated by several orders of magnitude. Thus, despite remarkable recent progress, a fully-kinetic model of the Earth’s magnetosphere remains elusive.
This session aims to bring together experts in different disciplines to assess the state of magnetospheric modeling, its limitations and the new ideas/innovations necessary to move forward.

Solicited contributions include:
1) Modeling studies: from global-MHD to local models, including those treating only specific components of the environment and its couplings (ionosphere, plasmasphere, ring current, radiation belts, waves, …), empirical models, etc.
2) Studies combining modeling and observations (including verification and validation) to expose successes and limitations of current models.
3) Numerical, data-science, high-performance-computing and information-science-and-technology techniques deemed critical to advance the field.

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