CEDAR email: Call for participation in the CEDAR high latitude thermosphere-ionosphere variability and coupling session

Manbharat Dhadly, Contractor, Code 7630 manbharat.dhadly.ctr at nrl.navy.mil
Tue May 29 11:20:53 MDT 2018

Dear CEDAR community,

We would like to invite you to participate and submit an abstract to the CEDAR high latitude TI coupling session - “Exploring High Latitude Thermosphere and Ionosphere Variability and Coupling using Ground-based, Space-based, and Modeling Studies – Current Understanding, Observational Challenges, and Outlook” to be held on Thursday June 28 (1.30pm – 3.30pm).

The session description is pasted below:
Even though a considerable amount of research effort has been focused on exploring and understanding the complex coupling dynamics between the high latitude ionosphere and thermosphere over the past two decades, it is still one of the long-standing challenges of global space weather research. Both the large-scale and small-scale responses of the thermosphere and ionosphere to geospace drivers are still poorly characterized observationally. Furthermore, current understanding of thermosphere-ionosphere climate is immature, particularly with respect to mechanisms for long-term changes. Empirical and assimilative modeling efforts show inconsistencies among observations and between observations and first-principle models. Well calibrated observations and better validated models will be needed to address these problems. This workshop aims to address these challenges by fostering collaborative efforts among present and future research activities.

We invite short presentations of data analysis (ground-based and space-based) and modeling (data assimilation and physics-based) efforts on high latitude thermosphere-ionosphere variability and coupling. If you are interested in contributing to this session, please send an email to Manbharat Dhadly (manbharat.dhadly.ctr at nrl.navy.mil<mailto:manbharat.dhadly.ctr at nrl.navy.mil>).

The CEDAR link to this session is

Looking forward to your participation,

Dr. Manbharat Singh Dhadly
Geospace Science and Technology
Space Science Division
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
T 202.404.7829
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