CEDAR email: <no subject>

Alex DeWolfe Alex.DeWolfe at lasp.colorado.edu
Tue May 15 10:33:49 MDT 2018

New Python developer and user group, starting at TESS:

NASA Heliophysics is starting a series of discussions around Python software development for heliophysics, space physics, and planetary science, in order to coordinate our efforts, identify potential collaborations, establish software standards and conventions, ensure interoperability, and so on. We’ll be holding an in-person “Birds-of-a-Feather” meeting at the TESS conference on Wednesday evening (5/23, 6-8 pm in the Thurber Room at the Lansdowne), and following that up with a series of telecons and more in-person discussions at future meetings including CEDAR, COSPAR, and AGU. If you’d like to be involved in this effort, contact Aaron Roberts (aaron.roberts at nasa.gov) or Alex DeWolfe (alex.dewolfe at lasp.colorado.edu) with any questions or comments.

Alexandria Ware DeWolfe
alex.dewolfe at lasp.colorado.edu
Laboratory for Atmospheric & Space Physics
University of Colorado, 590 UCB
Boulder CO 80303
LSTB 290
(303) 492-6835

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