CEDAR email: Posting

Jimmy Raeder J.Raeder at unh.edu
Mon Jul 23 13:33:40 MDT 2018

JOB OPENING: Research Scientist II position in magnetospheric modeling at the University of New Hampshire

The Space Science Center at the University of New Hampshire has an immediate opening for a Research Scientist II position. The successful candidate will be engaged in modeling studies of the Earth's magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere system, particularly SAPS and extreme space weather events. The position requires a background in space plasma physics, strong programming skills, as well as experience in numerical methods and high-performance computing.

Applicants are required to have a Ph.D. degree in space physics or a similar scientific discipline. Applicants should have strong verbal and written communication skills. The successful candidate is expected to interact with other group members and students, lead studies, publish results in a timely manner, and present results at workshops and conferences. The position carries the privilege to submit proposals as Principal Investigator.

Applications must be entered through the UNH jobs web site (https://jobs.usnh.edu/postings/30280).  Applicants should submit their application electronically as a single PDF document in the following order - cover letter, CV including publication list, and the names and contact information of three references.  Applicants must arrange separately for the reference letters to be sent to j.raeder at unh.edu.  Review of applications will begin August 15, and will continue until the position is filled.  For inquiries contact Prof. Joachim (Jimmy) Raeder at j.raeder at unh.edu.

UNH is a research university on the beautiful NH seacoast, roughly an hour north of Boston, with significant resources in engineering, world-class laboratories, and a more than 60 year history of leadership in space science missions. UNH has been involved with and committed to instrument design and fabrication, science operations, data analysis, sophisticated numerical modeling and theory. UNH involvement and leadership extends over an enormous array of missions including THEMIS, MMS, Solar Orbiter, Solar Probe Plus, GOES, IBEX, RBSP, Firebird, BalloonWinds, Equator-S, ACE, Cluster, STEREO, Wind, Polar, FAST, SMM, Compton GRO, OSO-7. In addition, UNH has excellent computational resources including a 4000 core CRAY XE6m-200 supercomputer, which will be available to the incumbent of this position.

The University of New Hampshire is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action institution. The university seeks excellence through diversity among its administrators, faculty, staff, and students. The university prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran status, or marital status. Application by members of all underrepresented groups is encouraged.

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