CEDAR email: 2016 CEDAR-GEM: GEM-CEDAR Modeling Challenge

Shim, Ja Soon (GSFC-674.0)[CATHOLIC UNIV OF AMERICA] jasoon.shim at nasa.gov
Wed Jun 15 14:58:00 MDT 2016

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to participate in the GEM-CEDAR Modeling Challenge Sessions at the 2016 Joint CEDAR-GEM Workshop<http://cedarweb.vsp.ucar.edu/wiki/index.php/2016_Workshop:GEM_CEDAR_Modeling_Challenge>. We will have three sessions, which will be held on June 20 and 21, 2016 in Sweeney B of Santa Fe Community Convention Center, Santa Fe, NM.

Topics for discussions and agenda:

Session 1 (13:30-15:30, Monday, 06/20)

1.     Review the status the CEDAR-GEM Model Validation Challenge <http://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/challenges/GEM-CEDAR/> projects: Ja Soon Shim (GSFC/CCMC) (13:30 – 13:45)

2.     Introduction to GEM Ionospheric Conductance Challenge: Mike Liemohn (U-M) (13:45 – 13:55)

3.     Challenges related to data availability and how to address these challenges for specific model validation projects

•       Challenges in Data Availability for Model Validation: Yongliang Zhang (APL) (13:55 – 14:10)
•       AMPERE-PFISR Study of Field-Aligned Currents and Conductivities: Robert Robinson (CUA) (14:10 – 14:25)
•       Larisa Goncharenko (MIT Haystack Observatory) (14:25 – 14:40)

4.     Event-based metrics, expanding event list<http://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/challenges/Event_list_for_Metrics_Study.pdf>: benefits, challenges, guidelines (14:40 – 14:55)
             General Discussions on Model Validations (14:55 – 15:30)
•       How to address uncertainty in models and data?
•       What is the best approach to model-data comparison of 2D features (e.g., global TEC and FAC)?
•       How to quantify physical phenomena?

Session 2 (16:00-18:00, Monday, 06/20)

1.     Quantification and validation of phenomena in the auroral region

•       Lutz Rastaetter (GSFC/CCMC)  (16:00 – 16:15)
•       Poynting Flux /FAC from DMSP:  Delores Knipp/Liam Kilcommon (CU) (16:15– 16:40)

2.     Validation and metrics selection for auroral boundaries specification and predictions

•       FUV Auroral Images/Products for Model Validation: Yongliang Zhang (APL): (16:40 – 16:55)
•       Global evolution of Birkeland currents on 10 min timescales: MHD simulations and observations: Slava Merkin (APL) (16:55– 17:10)
               Discussion   (17:10 – 17:20)

3.     Quantification and validation of storm-driven ionospheric/thermospheric disturbances

•       SAMI3/RCM Modeling of storms: Joe Huba (NRL) (17:20 – 17:35)
•       ISR-based climatology and modeling: Shunrong Zhang (MIT Haystack Observatory) (17:35 – 17:50)
               Discussion   (17:50 – 18:00)

Session 3 (13:30-15:30, Tuesday, 06/21):  Ionospheric Conductance Challenge

         Titles of talks will be posted on the GEM Wiki<http://www-ssc.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki/index.php/2016_GEM-CEDAR_Workshop#.5BFG.5D_Modeling_Methods_and_Validation_.28Joint_with_CEDAR-GEM_Modeling_Challenge.29>.
         1.  Summary of CEDAR-GEM Challenges and Introduction of Ionospheric Conductance Challenge: Katie Garcia-Sage (CUA) (13:30 – 13:35)
         2.  Scene setting talks
•       Dan Welling (13:35 – 13:50)
•       Ryan McGranaghan (13:50 – 14:05)
•       Contributed talks on conductance (14:05 – 14:30)
•        Next steps for a conductance challenge (14:30 – 15:30)

We look forward seeing you at the sessions.

Best regards,


Ja Soon Shim

Masha Kuznetsova

Katherine Garcia-Sage

Mihail Codrescu

Yongliang Zhang

Lutz Rastaetter

Rob Redmon

Mike Liemohn
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