CEDAR email: DMSP selected data products available through CEDAR Madrigal database

Phil Erickson pje at haystack.mit.edu
Wed Jun 15 14:16:12 MDT 2016

The Boston College Institute for Scientific Research (BC/ISR), in
collaboration with MIT Haystack Observatory, is pleased to announce that
selected data products from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program
(DMSP) are now available on the CEDAR Madrigal database.  Available data
products include both numeric values and predefined summary plots.

The availability of this valuable data comes after a long gap in service
that was precipitated by U.S. Air Force funding and contract issues.  The
reintroduction of this data for use by the scientific community is made
possible by the dedicated funding support of the U.S. National Science
Foundation (NSF)'s Geospace Section, in particular John Meriwether and
Therese Moretto Jorgensen, under a supplement to NSF grant AGS-1242204 to
MIT Haystack Observatory.

We thank all of you for your continued interest in this valuable data set,
and we will do our best to maintain its availability.  To ensure the
service continues and to define the way forward, BC/ISR and MIT Haystack
Observatory are planning a 2 day DMSP focused workshop in October 2016 at
Boston College.   Final dates will be defined soon.  If you are interested
in this workshop, please email Patricia Doherty (Patricia.Doherty at bc.edu)
and Phil Erickson (pje at haystack.mit.edu) so we can gauge meeting interest
and size.

Technical details on data access and availability:

Presently the date range is the present back until 2010 (with small gaps),
but the dataset will soon include all data back to 1982.  New data will be
available approximately 5 days behind real time.  The data is provided at a
level equivalent to NASA mission Level 1, with no applied data quality
algorithms.  Numeric results and summary plots are available from the J4/J5
electron and ion particle spectrometers, electron density and O+ density,
ion drift meters, and magnetometers.

To access data, go to the CEDAR Madrigal website at
http://cedar.openmadrigal.org.  No login is required, but new users will be
required to enter their names, emails and affliations into a form that
stores that information in a cookie.  One approach to accessing this
dataset is to choose Simple Local Data Access, then choose Satellite
Instruments as the instrument type, and then choose Defense Meteorological
Satellite as the instrument.  Then follow the prompts to chose the
particular day of interest.  You can download the data as ascii or hdf5, or
see the plots by selecting Show Plots.  Another approach allows you
download data from a range of dates using a script you install on your own
computer.  To do this, go to Full Data Access, then Global Madrigal Search,
and follow the instructions.

The data files each cover a single UT day, and a single DMSP satellite.
For each day and satellite, there are typically three Madrigal files: one
for the one-second cadence energy spectra measurements, one for the
one-second cadence scalar measurements, and one for the four-second cadence
scalar measurements. So a typical UT day might have 12 separate data files.

Acknowledgements and Contacts:

This work is a joint project of the Boston College Institute for Scientific
Research and MIT Haystack Observatory.  Special thanks go to Kevin Martin
at Boston College for his extraordinary efforts to make this data available
in a consistent and timely manner.  Please contact Bill Rideout (
brideout at haystack.mit.edu), Phil Erickson (pje at haystack.mit.edu) or
Patricia Doherty (Patricia.Doherty at bc.edu) with any questions or issues.

Philip Erickson, Ph.D.
Atmospheric Sciences Group
MIT Haystack Observatory
Westford, MA  01886  USA

email: pje at haystack.mit.edu
WWW: http://www.haystack.mit.edu
voice: +1 781 981 5769
fax:   +1 781 981 5766

Public key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x54878872
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