CEDAR email: Space Weather: Operations to Research (O2R) Workshop – August 16-17, 2016

Howard Singer - NOAA Federal howard.singer at noaa.gov
Wed Jun 15 15:31:18 MDT 2016

Please include this meeting announcement in the next CEDAR newsletter.

  Thank you.


Space Weather: Operations to Research (O2R) Workshop – August 16-17, 2016

NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center and our partner agencies, the U.S.
Air Force, NASA Heliophysics Division, and NSF Geospace Section invite you
to attend a “Space Weather: Operations to Research (O2R) Workshop” in
Boulder, CO on August 16-17, 2016.

The goal of this workshop is to gather community input for defining the
capabilities needed to realize space weather O2R objectives in response to
the National Space Weather Action Plan. The meeting will facilitate
discussions on O2R within the broad community, including government
agencies, academia, private enterprise, and space weather customers.

Panel/audience discussion will be on topics related to methods to improve
operational models, tools and products including: access to operational
models and data for developing and testing improvements; funding
opportunities to support these activities; and communicating forecaster and
user experience regarding the limitations of current capabilities.

Please go to the following link for registration and additional information:


Dr. Howard J. Singer, Chief Scientist
NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80305
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