CEDAR email: MMS / Van Allen Probes Postdoctoral Position at LASP, University of Colorado Boulder

Allison Jaynes Allison.Jaynes at lasp.colorado.edu
Tue Jul 7 10:41:24 MDT 2015

The Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado Boulder is seeking a junior post-doctoral researcher (Research Associate) to join the diverse and innovative space physics group. The appointment will be jointly funded by the Magnetosphere Multiscale (MMS) mission, which launched in March 2015, and the Van Allen Probes mission, currently entering the extended mission phase. LASP is a lead investigation institution for the REPT instrument (onboard Van Allen Probes) and the FEEPS instrument (onboard MMS), both of which utilize the principles of solid state detector design to measure high-energy electrons and ions in the space environment. Research topics include: magnetic reconnection in both the magnetopause and tail regions, energetic particle dynamics in the inner magnetosphere and at magnetospheric boundaries, and radiation belt studies.

A strong candidate will have (1) a solid background in space plasma physics, (2) experience working with space hardware, (3) experience with analyzing spacecraft data. They should be fluent in various computer languages (preferably IDL), and they should hold a PhD in physics or a directly related field. Inquiries may be directed to Professor Daniel N. Baker (Daniel.Baker at lasp.colorado.edu).

TO APPLY, PLEASE CLICK HERE: http://www.jobsatcu.com/postings/102586

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